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Comment Re:Hitchhiker's Guide (Score 1) 732

Kenneth McMillan's Baron is one of my most treasured memories as a child.

It may be, but it was incredibly bad. McMillan (Lynch?) over killed him with the degenerate angle, and his baron was a sharp as a hammer. Ian McNeice was a far sharper and cunning baron in my opinion, which is much closer to the books. Lynch's baron with the preoccupation with all his little festering wounds and and disgusting nonsense was just odd to me.

Comment Re:Hitchhiker's Guide (Score 1) 732

I saw that as the movie first (Picard version, not tv one) and it was magnificent.

You've got to be kidding. Even my girlfriend laughed when she saw that one, and she doesn't know anything about the novels. Lynch WAS NOT right for that story, not at all. The Sci Fi version was "magnificent".

Comment Re:Kick in the balls (Score 1) 221

This must be a real kick in the balls for all the folks back in the first days of the iPhone who got arrested because they were using it in "Airplane mode"...

You're not even making any sense. People were arrested for using phones in the least intrusive manner possible? Anyway, "airplane mode" is still useful. Probably should be called "non-emission mode" or something though. Like if your at a boring lecture and want to play "wild, wild weasels" during.

Comment Snore (Score 1) 273

Hallowe'en is my favorite holiday...

You sound like one of my wiccan girl friends (I was some how gifted with three without really trying). Boring. If there were a higher power it should be noted that it left the building millenia ago. Halloween, great if your a kid. A waste of time if your an adult with an ounce of brains.

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