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Comment Re:do not want (Score 0) 204

Battery EVs already solved everything, primarily the convenience. And with enough mileage it is even matching/cheaper than TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of gas vehicles. I just had to wait some years for the next regular replacement of my car. The problem is if you do not have your own house with your own garage / parking place. Wall Connector (in my garage) I had installed during a weekend - and I am not an electrician. That little installation cost/effort gets paid off by the EV benefits quickly.

Comment Re:OK (Score 1) 169

"GW/hr" is wrong, first the SI unit for hour is "h", not "hr". Second it is "GWh" as it is "GW*h", not "GW/h". Why people always want to have "/h" everywhere? The more hours you can produce energye to bigger you have capacity, not the opposite.

Another issue is there are tons of Lithium. The real limitation are the existing factories need to be built and also some limitations of nickel and maybe some other metals.

Comment Re:maybe no thing at all (Score 1) 88

Funny is that some Tesla statistics (google teslamotorsclub.com) show for the battery health it is better to charge faster at home as (1) the battery has higher temperature (which is bad for the battery) for shorter time and (2) any charging rate at home (=11kW) does not matter for the battery (=0.14 C).

Comment Re:Opening new dimensions (Score 1) 103

1 is default and +1 is for karma. Your post has also that rating 2.

And then there was just one +1 moderation making it 3. Now there are even two +1 moderations so it is 4.

And the moderation is there IMO because everyone has memories of this astounding Another World movie intro from their childhood when we were using just 720K floppy disks and all the games were just some poor 2D moving sprites.

Comment Re: Sharks carry lasers. Same latency as radio wav (Score 1) 97

I have Starlink RTT to a nearest public host

rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 19.282/32.635/49.483/6.990 ms

Ping to Europe is 250ms. While fiber is also available here (on a different island) the fiber has contracted different ISP for its path to Europe which is then about median RTT 380ms with higher packetloss and RTT going even up to 800ms.

Comment Re:Not seeing the issue... (Score 2) 255

The problem is Apple has a market monopoly (or a duopoly with Google but that is also not completely true). It was difficult for them to get the monopoly but without any regulations there will be no competition anymore which is bad for the consumer as Apple then can keep high prices and low quality of their products and still own the market. why monopolies should be regulated search

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