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Submission + - Zinc lozenges an ineffective treatment for colds 1

ardent99 writes: A new study (a meta-study?) shows that most of the past studies about the effectiveness of treating colds with zinc are severely flawed. The article finds that despite 20 years of research, the benefits of zinc lozenges as a therapy for the common cold have not been proven. A new study, published in the Sept. 1 issue of Clinical Infectious Diseases, currently available online, reviews the 14 placebo-controlled studies from the past two decades and finds significant fault with 10 of the studies. Of the four remaining studies, three reported no therapeutic effect from zinc lozenge or nasal spray, and one study reported positive results from zinc nasal gel.

Submission + - Terrorists are like Starfish (?) (

Mark D. Drapeau writes: "Could biological metaphors about networking and systems shed light on one of the most difficult issues of our time — terrorism? According to a new op-ed in the 31 July 2007 Washington Times, and a new book entitled The Starfish and the Spider, the answer is a resounding "Yes". An excerpt from the op-ed reads: *** Most large institutions are organized hierarchically with centralized leadership. Corporations have CEOs, armies have generals, countries have presidents. When competing against centralized organizations, promoting diffusion and disrupting cohesion are considered progressive. However, al Qaeda has a constantly mutating, horizontal structure composed of an inspirational catalyst in the form of Osama bin Laden and other central figures joined with numerous small groups brought together not by orders but ideology. Here, lack of structure is a strength. Little thought is given, however, to how such a decentralized terrorist network structure affects the strategy for combating it. "The Starfish and the Spider," a new book about corporate strategy written for a business audience, has a wider application — combating terrorism — and sheds light on this issue.*** Read more here: TARY/107310009/1012 And here:"

Submission + - Americans Clueless About Cancer Risks (

Invisible Pink Unicorn writes: "A study conducted by the American Cancer Society found that a surprising number of Americans believe scientifically dubious claims concerning cancer, and that the groups with the greatest burden of cancer are the most likely to be misinformed. For example, the majority of survey respondents didn't think smoking was more likely to cause lung cancer than pollution — despite 87% of lung cancer cases being due to smoking. The most interesting finding was that people who described themselves as knowing the most about cancer were more likely to have false beliefs. Participants who labeled themselves as "very informed" about cancer were more likely to believe underwire bras cause breast cancer, or that quitting smoking did nothing to reduce cancer risks. The article abstract is availabe from the journal Cancer."

Submission + - FBI Requires a Warrant to Install Spyware

mrogers writes: The FBI requires a warrant to install spyware on a suspect's computer, according to a new appeals court ruling. An earlier ruling had appeared to grant the FBI permission to install spyware under the weaker provisions applied to pen registers, which record the telephone numbers or IP addresses contacted by a suspect. However, yesterday's amendment made it clear that the pen register provisions only apply to equipment installed at the suspect's ISP.

The FBI recently used spyware to determine the source of a hoax bomb threat, as reported here and here.

Submission + - Blackdust, Anonymous Google For The Freedom Fighte (

Paris The Pirate writes: Blackdust is an anonymous Google proxy — for the freedom fighter in you. From the site "When we search the web with Google its easy to forget that they are recording every search and every IP address. In fact unless you're very carefully with your cookies then Google probably knows you better than you know yourself. This freaks us out. And it should freak you out two. The fact that every aspect of our search behaviour is being recorded, and use of that data isn't really restricted by any laws or policies is a problem. Blackdust is the solution to the problem."

ISPs May Be Selling Your Web Clicks 110

Mozzarella writes "Could our ISPs be selling our click data without us even knowing it? It seems like the practice is happening a lot more than we realize, and can be tracked for each user. Complete Incorporated's CTO David Cancel told Ars Technica that his company (an internet research firm) licenses click information from ISPs for 'millions of dollars' to figure out how we use the web. From the article: 'He did not give a specific figure about what this broke down to in terms of dollars per ISP user, although someone in the audience estimated that it was in the range of 40 per user per month — this estimate was erroneously attributed to Cancel himself in some reports on the event. Cancel said that this clickstream data is 'much more comprehensive' than data that is normally gleaned through analyzing search queries.'"

Why You Can't Buy a Naked PC 367

ZDOne writes "A piece up on ZDNet looks at the issue of naked PCs. ZDNet UK phoned around all the major PC vendors and not one of them would sell a machine without Windows on it. IT professionals are being forced to adopt Microsoft's operating systems — even if they tell their PC supplier they want a system free of Microsoft software. On the other hand, even if it's almost impossible to buy a PC without an operating system installed, companies like Dell and HP are now committed to supporting Linux as well. 'Murray believes there is a market for Linux in the UK but is also aware of the issues facing any large supplier who wants to make Linux boxes available. "It means diverting production lines and that is a lot of money and so we have to prove the business case," he said. However, he made it clear that he is enthusiastic about the idea and wants to make it work. "We just have to show it is worthwhile," he said.'"

Journal Journal: The unfriendliness of Digital Cable Tuning Boxes 3

For various reasons, I finally subscribed to digital cable. I won't be watching
TV that much more, but my sister will be staying with me for a period of time.
I only have a regular 27" TV, and thus we now have a digital cable tuner box.


Submission + - Python and DB2: IBM wants your input

An anonymous reader writes: IBM is looking for feedback and community input in regards to the future implementation of an official Python and DB2 driver. They also accept suggestions in relation to the Django Web framework. Quoting from the announcement: "For a while I've been pushing and promoting the idea (within IBM) of a vendor supported Python driver and Django adapter. It looks like the time has come to start considering this seriously and to allocate appropriate resources for it. And I need your help. I need your feedback and help to collect good ideas, in order for us to create the best driver API that we can". If you are interested in contributing you can join the discussion.
Wireless Networking

The Digital Bedouins and the Backpack Office 149

PetManimal writes "The laptop and wireless revolutions have led to the rise of a new class of digital 'Bedouins' — tech workers who ply their crafts from Starbucks and other locations with WiFi access. Another article describes some strategies and tools for embracing the Bedouin way of life, and even having fun: 'If you have the right kind of job, you can take vacations while you're on the clock. In other words, you can travel for fun and adventure and keep on working. You can travel a lot more without needing more official vacation time. I've done it. In August I took a month long vacation to Central America, backpacking from one Mayan ruin to the next, and I never officially took time off. I submitted my columns, provided reports and other input, participated in conference calls and interacted via e-mail. I used hotel Wi-Fi connections and local cybercafes to communicate and Skype to make business calls. Nobody knew I was sunburned, drinking from a coconut and listening to howler monkeys as I replied to their e-mails.'"

Game/Movie Comparisons Raise Art Question Again 99

Via Game|Life, an article on the Variety site that sees something rather novel: a film writer defending games. Unhappy reviews of the film 300 sometimes cite the film's 'game-like' nature as a measure of it's poor quality, and Variety writer Ben Fritz calls those authors out on their poor grasp of modern media. Ron Gilbert, at the Grumpy Gamer site, has a few words of commentary on this issue. Coincidentally Gamasutra chose today to post a discussion of games as art which begins with the phrase "here we go again".

Submission + - Shimmering holograms to check anticancer drugs

Roland Piquepaille writes: "Physicists at Purdue University have developed a new digital holographic imaging system. This device permits to watch in 3-D how anticancer drugs fight tumors. It uses a laser which does not harm living tissues and a common microchip used in your digital cameras to see inside tumor cells. The real innovation of this system is that the holograms generated are not permanently recorded. These shimmering holograms recorded on holographic film "change in time, tracking and adjusting to changes in the image intensity and phase," according to one of the researchers. Of course, this device can have other applications in drug development and medical imaging. Read more for additional details showing how the researchers are working on their digital holographic imaging system."

South Korea Drafting Ethical Code for Robotic Age 318

goldaryn writes "The BBC is reporting that the South Korean government is working on an ethical code for human/robot relations, 'to prevent humans abusing robots, and vice versa'. The article describes the creation of the Robot Ethics Charter, which 'will cover standards for users and manufacturers and will be released later in 2007. [...] It is being put together by a five member team of experts that includes futurists and a science fiction writer.'"

Submission + - Who needs iTunes? Indie-friendly video stores

An anonymous reader writes: Adams Media Research predicts that by 2011, the online video market will be worth $5.8 billion, and bucking today's trend, the majority of that revenue will be generated through selling downloads not ad-supported content. It's perhaps no surprise then, to see a number of paid-for download services pop up over the last 18 months — with Apple's iTunes being the market leader. However, in the eyes of many of these stores, not all producers are created equal. For example, if you're an independent and you want to get your work into iTunes, you're out of luck. The same goes for Google Video's paid-for download option. As ZDNet reports, a number of indie-friendly paid-for download services have stepped up to fill the void.

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
