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Comment Heh (Score 2) 3

"considers the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics to fit with our theology"
"but an image of God that is a model of the actual God"
Are you pointing to problems in general, or some theologies in particular?
As a sola scriptura type, I'd like to point to some specific English language scripture as a possible solution, but the same problem heads its ugly rear there, too. Guess we'll have to be humble and rely on faith, no? :-)

Comment Re:Haven't done T-SQL in years (Score 1) 11

Precisely. In lazy evaluation, (and Haskell is the poster child for this) a value is only acquired when needed. So if you write SQL that lets the server off the hook for one fetch, while still adhering to the letter of the law, then (if this theory is true) that's what's happening.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
