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Comment Re:It's just one way to get mobile internet. (Score 0) 101

Are they paying the ISPs for their customers to access their services? If you are a cable company and you are losing TV subscriptions to Netflix and Youtube through connections you built? Did Youtube and Netflix run wires to the customers homes? Internet, Phone and TV as a package offset the actual costs of operating all the equipment and employing the people necessary for this business, meanwhile Netflix and Google are siphoning customers off all they have to pay for is their connection to the internet. Nothing to the ISPs who's networks are getting saturated.

Comment It's just one way to get mobile internet. (Score 0, Troll) 101

If you don't like to the service don't buy it. Net Neutrality is a scheme for Google and Netflix to get "free" internet to consumers. They use more than 90% of the internet's bandwidth, if the consumer can get cheaper internet by being capped to 480p that's good for the consumer. More choices.

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