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Comment Re:Half of circumference? (Score 2) 332

The thing about the USA is we don't really have one dominating culture. It's really a big mix of various cultures and sub-cultures. People came from all over the world here. This mix of cultures has actually produced some very innovative things though. Having many different perspectives is often a great way to tackle a problem.

On the more "artistic" side of things Jazz and Blues have been possibly the greatest contribution to music in history. Probably 90% of music being made today has foundations in Jazz or Blues.

Comment Neither (Score 1) 639

The left/right divide in the US doesn't really make sense to me. The democrats want to take away certain rights, and the republicans want to take away other rights (although there is a lot of overlap, after all they get their campaigns funded by mostly the same groups). I'd rather see none of our rights removed personally... They both waste massive amounts of money (and print it at will) too, so they are both irresponsible when it comes to the economy. They both start senseless wars too which cost so much in both human lives and money.

I've never voted for a Republican or Democrat because I don't want more of the same.

Comment Re:I skimmed a few... (Score 1) 271

Yep. I picked up a 2500K on sale for $150 a couple weeks ago, which is faster overall than AMD's new $280 CPU.

The power consumption when overclocking these new BD chips is horrendous as well. They are nearing 500WATTS without even loading a video card, while Sandy Bridge is around 250. I guess it's not surprising considering bulldozer has twice as many transistors.

Phenom II offers better bang-for-buck than Bulldozer, and that's an old architecture on a smaller (32 vs 45nm) process. That is some serious WTF if I've ever seen it.

Comment Linux fanboys are funny (Score 1) 429

I find it funny that the poll maker seems to linux is ALWAYS more secure than Windows. The whole point of linux is the ability to customize every little part of the OS, including security. This means you can make your Linux install but it also means you can open/leave open some major security holes.

The average Linux install is probably more secure than the average Windows7 install, but that is because mostly geeks run Linux. If mostly geeks ran Windows I bet there'd be a lot less problems with it too. Geeks don't usually click on "GET YOUR FREE IPOD NOW" ads or download random toolbars.

Comment Re:measuring browsers by speed alone is retarded (Score 1) 272

[quote]671 milliseconds vs 800 milliseconds page load times in the benchmarks will not be noticeable by a human.[/quote]

It won't be noticeable loading the 2 back to back, but it can create a perceived difference using it over time. 100ms differences CAN be noticed by humans. Just ask an online gamer if they'd rather have 100ms ping or 200ms. Racing drivers can tell when they are just 1-2 tenths (100-200ms) of a second faster in a sector (about a 30second time period) too, and I've experienced this myself in racing simulators like LFS/iRacing.

I'm NOT saying it's a big difference, or one that is easily noticeable, or one that we should make a huge fuss over. Your assertion that we can't perceive a 129ms difference is still false though. If that were the case we wouldn't need 30/60FPS videos (a 30FPS frame lasts 33ms) for it to seem smooth.

Comment Re:Is performance really an issue? (Score 1) 272

On an old/slow PC yes, it is an issue. I have an old P4-based laptop that I use for email/browsing/reading/etc, and Firefox was extremely slow on that system, while Chrome is almost as smooth as it is on my desktop (Core2-based).

I certainly agree on a modern system they are all fast enough though. It really comes down to personal preference more than anything. They all have their little quirks.

Comment Re:Makes sense actually (Score 1) 447

Those triple play things are largely a big scam anyway. They lure you in with a great 6month rate, but after that you save NOTHING. After the 6 months you pay exactly what you would for each service individually (I know from experience). They know enough people will just keep the services to easily cover that discounted introductory price.

P.S. I called Comcast and pointed this out to them, and mentioned switching to DSL. Suddenly they decided they should charge me lower rates. ;)

Comment Re:What other products (Score 1) 1019

When you have so many parties involved, all of which want (and are obligated) to make huge profits, healthcare is bound to be expensive. Profits are essentially money that was paid for health services which weren't provided. It's not a coincidence that the country of wall-street is the country with the highest health costs by far.

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