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Comment Re:Infinity (Score 1) 1067

Asking what is X divided by zero is no different than asking what is Y plus red, or what is Z times pineapple.

I say focus on a proper mathematical answer for multiplying by blue first, and then apply it to the equally nonsensical divide by zero question.

Everybody knows that Z times pineapple is the square root of unicorn - by definition.

Comment Re:The downside is taxpayers... (Score 1) 283

Internet access is nearly as important as electricity in our modern age.

Perhaps. But why not just give the poor a basic income supplement, and let them decide for themselves what to spend it on? Some of them may use it for Internet, but others may use it to buy food or medicine. Why should the government presume to know their priorities better than they do.

Golly, I wonder if any politicians supporting this program received campaign contributions from Comcast and TWC.

Because then conservatives would complain that the poor spend their government subsidy on non-essentials. Just look at Republican efforts to prevent food stamps from being used for food they consider "luxury" items, like sushi.

Comment Re:That poor man (Score 1) 272

Cal residential rates average about 15cents/kwh, a 2.5KWH panel would need about 17.8 cents per kwh to save them $818 in the first year.

I don't know where you get your data, but I'm assuming that's the state average. In urban areas it is higher, much higher, especially if you go over "baseline." When I lived in Orange County we were never within baseline, because we actually turned on lights, cooked food, watched TV, and dared to run the AC when it was 100 degrees.

Comment Re:The trick... (Score 1) 246

It is to clench your anus while the machine is being calibrated, prior to the questions.

An obvious solution would be to have a sensor in the seat cushion to detect the clenching. In the past, people cheated by putting a thumbtack in their shoe. Now, polygraphs are usually administered with shoes removed.

That is already standard practice for some polygraphs.

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