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Comment Re:Home of the brave? (Score 1) 589

You mean the far left, don't you. The only people I hear claiming that corporations are leftists. Nobody on the right has made that claim and no court within the US has ever issued such an opinion.

Then you must be deaf. The supreme court (controlled by the Right) has said so. See Hobby Lobby, Citizens United.

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 3, Insightful) 631

And do you really think the answer you get from said register-operator is dependent on you spending cash instead of credit? Retailers like to complain about the cost of taking credit cards, but really their sales volume is greatly increased by them. If that weren't the case, they wouldn't take them.

Comment Re:Reasons for using CC (Score 1) 631

You won't get any discount, it will only increase retailers profit. They are not going to charge you less for using CurrentC.

Perhaps. But note the recent trend of stores who offer a discount if you use THEIR credit card (instead of someone else's). Target and Lowe's both offer 5% discount to use their credit cards.

Comment Re:lol - WRONG!!! (Score 1) 631

Not when nobody with more than 2 brain cells will use it.

From the summary:

...leading the way is the biggest of them all, Walmart.

Therefore, we can reasonably assume that CurrentC will take off like wildfire.

Except that Walmart shoppers aren't exactly the type to have NFC-enabled smartphones.

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 2) 631

---> you pay with cash you ALWAYS argue about the price, merchant have to give the CC 1~3% in transaction fees -- cash is the king (actually gold is) or bitcoin

And how is that working out for you when you're arguing with some minimum-wager running the cash-register with no authority to change prices whatsoever?

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