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Comment Re:HD Radio for AM (Score 1) 314

I'd just be hearing the same shit as regular radio but now in HD.

Actually, HD Radio has stations that don't exist on analog radio because broadcasters can pile multiple streams (sub-channels) onto the same frequency basically for free. In my area, the only full-time classical music station is on HD radio.

Comment Re:and data centers may need more Nuclear power pl (Score 1) 147

Solar and Wind are great, but we don't have enough room near where people live and work to install them.

That's not a problem because HVDC only loses 3.5% per 1,000 km (620 mi).

Electric cars make the problem harder by increasing electricity demand.

Bidirectional charging makes the problem not harder but easier when electric vehicles are added to a virtual power plant.

Comment Re:How is this first in the US? (Score 1) 242

The proposition authorized $10 billion in state bonds. The expectation was the feds would more or less match that.

The proposition authorized $9.95 billion in bonds, of which $9 billion would go to the HSR project. For every dollar the feds contributed, the state would contribute a dollar from that $9 billion, and once that $9 billion was used up, the project would need to find other sources to fund the remaining, including more federal, state, and/or private funding.

Comment Re:How is this first in the US? (Score 1) 242

the California HSR project is...unable to attract any private funding.

Not unable, just not ready to ask for private investment until the project is closer to completion. That was the plan from the very beginning: first get the government to pay for the bulk of construction, then get private investors to pay for the last little bit.

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