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The Internet

Submission + - I want to sail the deep web.

bigattichouse writes: "I've discovered that my usual haunts online tend toward a very limited set of sites and forums. While I don't find this a problem, I feel I've fallen into the "13 channels" of my youth on something as vast as the Internet, sort of a "Media Dunbar's Number". Then I realized, there should be enough stuff out there to view something new and interesting every day, every hour. So I ask — what else is on? What other channels are out there for a geek? What about a self-employed developer geek?"

Submission + - SPAM: FBI issues code cracking challenge

coondoggie writes: "The FBI today challenged anyone in the online community to break a cipher code on its site. The code was created by FBI cryptanalysts. The bureau invited hackers to a similar code-cracking challenge last year and got tens of thousands of responses it said. A number of sites host such cipher challenges, including this one at the University of South Hampton. [spam URL stripped]"
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Submission + - Signature pads

An anonymous reader writes: Today I passed up a purchase because they *required* me to sign on their signature pad for a credit card purchase. For years now I have been bypassing this by signing on paper. Today, a retailer told me that they no longer allow customers to sign on paper, only the signature pad. I have several problems with signing on an electronic signature pad (examples of these here: http://www.topazsystems.com/products/index.htm and here: http://www.ingenico-us.com/signature-capture_4.html?lg=US&categoryId=16).

First, I am told nothing whatsoever about what method is used to store my signature. Is it sitting on an unsecured *nix box with a nice fat pipeline to the internet? Is it "in back" where any employee can access it? Second, I am told nothing whatsoever about *if* any security is used and what type or strength of security is used. Is any encryption used with my data? Is my signature stored with my CC# in a .jpg file? If encrypted, is it a 64-bit key? 128 bit? This information is routinely given by my web browser on secured web pages. It should be available at point-of-sale as well. Third, I have much more faith in the physical security given to a piece of paper than I do the "virtual" security used by computers. To me, this is analogous to the Diebold / voting snafu. The retailer will protect the paper inside his store. It will probably be kept with cash and given the same security considerations cash is (i.e. kept in a safe at night, kept locked in a cash drawer most of the day, etc.). The retailer probably has no idea how to keep virtual files safe (i.e. don't connect the box to the internet...). And even if the retailer *does* know how, what is their motivation to do so? With the physical paper, it's kept with the cash so nothing special is required. With virtual files, there's a good chance no one even realizes they exist.

Given some of the recent failures on the part of retailers to protect their customers CC data (Marshalls/TJ Maxx, etc.), I have little faith that they are doing any real due diligence with their customers' data. It would not surprise me at all if there were *NO* security/encryption and this data is being stored on a box "in back" that has a WAP connected and a fat physical pipe to the internet.

Is there anyone that works/worked with these systems that can (unofficially) address my three points? I don't want the company line; I want someone who knows to tell me what they really think. I'm also curious how many others out there have given any thought to the security / Identity Theft issues with these security pads. Do you sign them? Do you feel secure doing so? Did you ever think about it? Thanks to all! (Posting /. as AC since before the .com boom).

Submission + - Parallel computing and GPGPU, the super-PC genesis (kingofgng.com)

KingofGnG writes: "Far from slowing down because of the worldwide economic crisis, PC technology evolution (and particularly the videogaming peripherals one) continues to break records and Gigaflops, opening usage scenarios that was solely related to super-computers just a few years ago. Such scenarios are currently colliding with the opposite development of standards and API competing with each other, resulted from the desire of market supremacy or from the need to reach an agreement on a common computing platform. Story here."

Roku Box Adds HD, Grows Beyond Netflix 95

DeviceGuru writes "Roku has announced two free updates to its Internet-enabled Netflix movie-streaming set-top box. The initial update adds advanced compression capable of streaming HD video over average consumer broadband connections, while the second (expected during the first quarter of 2009) will add A/V streaming from sources other than Netflix (e.g. YouTube, Hulu, Comedy Central, MSNBC, etc.). Roku faces growing competition from other providers of Internet-based video-on-demand STBs, such as Blockbuster's STB, Syabas's Popcorn Hour (aka NMT), AppleTV, and others. Roku hasn't said anything specific, but perhaps it'll partner with Boxee, which already provides a popular AppleTV hack."

Your Favorite Tech / Eng. / CS Books? 517

chris_eineke writes "I like to read and to collect good books related to computer science. I'm talking about stuff like the classic textbooks (Introduction to Algorithms 2nd ed., Tanenbaum's Operating Systems series) and practitioners' books (The Practice of Programming, Code Complete) and all-around excellent books (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Practical Common Lisp). What's your stocking-stuffer book this Christmas? What books have been sitting on your shelves that you think are the best ones of their kind? Which ones do you think are -1 Overrated? (All links are referral-free.)"
The Internet

Repair Crews Reach Vicinity of Damaged Cables In Mediterranean 145

GWMAW writes "A robotic submarine searched beneath the Mediterranean on Sunday for damaged communications cables, two days after Web and telephone access was knocked out for much of the Middle East. Telecommunication providers from Cairo to Dubai continued Sunday to scramble to reroute voice and data traffic through potentially costly detours in Asia and North America after the lines running under the Mediterranean Sea were damaged Friday." According to the article, "Once found, the cable ends will be pulled to the surface and repaired on deck — a process that could take several days."

Microsoft Extends XP To May 2009 For OEMs 605

beuges writes "Microsoft has announced over the weekend that it would allow computer manufacturers to receive copies of XP until the end of May 2009, shortly before Windows 7 is expected to hit the market. This should allow users to skip Vista entirely and move straight to 7, which has been receiving cautiously favorable reviews of pre-release and leaked alphas."

Space Is Just a Little Bit Closer Than Expected 130

SpuriousLogic points out a BBC story which begins "The upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere are much lower than expected, a US Air Force satellite has found. Currently, the ionosphere — a layer of charged particles that envelopes the planet — is at an altitude of about 420km, some 200km lower than expected. The behaviour of the ionosphere is important because disturbances in its structure can upset satellite communications and radar."

Submission + - Inside the Mega-Efficient City of the Future (popularmechanics.com)

longacre writes: "A dilapidated island in San Francisco Bay may soon be transformed into the world's most efficient city. A team of engineers and city planners has embarked on a mission to redevelop Treasure Island, a shuttered naval base now home to about 3000 low- and middle-income residents, from the ground up into a model of self-sustainability. Features include a street grid optimally angled to collect Pacific winds for electricity, a 20-acre urban farm, an automated vacuum-operated trash collection system. Ground is set to be broken in 2009 — not a day too soon with oil hitting $100 a barrel today."
United States

Submission + - Is 2008 the time for digital gold currency? (smh.com.au)

wikinerd writes: "Gold as an investment is frequently used when investors are worried about the economy, the geopolitical situation, and inflation. Generally, the higher the price, the more desirable gold is by investors. Gold just now made the jump to a new all-time high price, at the time of writing being 856.70 USD (see recent charts). While this does not signify anything about the value of gold as a short-term investment, as the price often drops after the holidays, the fact that it reached such a record and has been generally upward for the last 10 years should make us think of the reasons investors prefer tangible commodities to papers (currency or stock).

One possible reason is the currency situation: A softer US dollar is often cited as a driver for rocketing gold prices, but alternative currencies, such as digital gold currency, time-based money or similar schemes are sometimes viewed with suspicion, but not by everyone. According to Wikipedia, in response to a recent FBI raid in the offices of Liberty Dollar, a firm circulating private alternative currency, presidential candidate Dr Ron Paul said: "We stand on the precipice of an unprecedented monetary collapse, and as a result many people have begun to look for alternatives to the dollar...I believe that the American people should be free to choose the type of currency they prefer to use. The ability of consumers to adopt alternative currencies can help to keep the government and the Federal Reserve honest, as the threat that further inflation will cause more and more people to opt out of using the dollar may restrain the government from debasing the currency".

As it is recognised by economists that there is profit in the issuing of currency, wouldn't it be a reasonable to encourage the establishment of alternative parallel currencies, particularly digital gold money or time-based schemes, in a free market system controlled by the laws of competition in order to avoid a monopoly in currency? Such an environment could, in theory, help keep a nation's main currency in stability, thus solving one of the prime reasons that make investors worry and seek safety in gold."


Submission + - Apricot Team Selected For Fully Open Source 3D Gam

crush writes: The Linux Game Tome notes that the final team to produce a fully OpenSource 3D game using the CrystalSpace engine and Blender has been chosen. The project (known as Apricot) aims to produce a cross-platform, 3D game with completely Free (CCA) graphics, music and code. An important side-effect of the project is to improve open source tools for the professional game development industry.

Submission + - OLPC CTO Quits to Commercialize OLPC Technology

theodp writes: "The One Laptop Per Child project suffered a blow Monday, with CTO Mary Lou Jepsen quitting the nonprofit to start a for-profit company to commercialize technology she invented with OLPC (the first of Jepsen's pending OLPC patents was published by the USPTO on Dec. 13). The OLPC project halted consumer sales of the cheap laptop at the end of November."

Submission + - The End of the World (googlepages.com)

eroei2008 writes: "The Modern Civilized World As We Know It Is Definitely and Inevitably Coming to An End All Too Much Sooner Than You Think. Having being well informed of the issues of peak oil, peak water, global warming & global dimming, unsustainable Infinite Growth Machine (TM) fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, decline of petrodollar hegemony, debt-based economies, rapid unrecoverable depleting of environment and resources, etc and having read up somewhat on the Olduvia Gorge Theory and other Post Industrial Stone Age theories, I propose that we as a species will soon (2008-2015) return back to the Stone Age and become extinction within the next few hundred years."
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Best motherboards with large RAM capacity? 1

cortex writes: "I routinely need to analyze large datasets (principally using Matlab). I recently "upgraded" to 64-bit Vista so that I can access larger amounts of RAM. I know that various Linux distros have had 64-bit support for years. I also typically use Intel motherboards for their reliability, but currently Intel's desktop motherboards only support 8GB of RAM and their server motherboards are too expensive. Can anyone relate their experiences with working with Vista or Linux machines running with large RAM (>8GB). What is the best motherboard (Intel or AMD) and OS combination for workstation applications in terms of cost and reliability?"

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