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Comment Re:Mac Mini (Score 1) 304

I'll second that, and recommend getting the apple bluetooth keyboard and mouse, they are definitely low form factor and high quality.

Used to use a logitech mouse, but the new apple mouse has fewer parts to break and works well from the sofa.

I've added a harmony remote which pairs to the mac for all the infrared functions (pause, play, ff, rewind, etc), so if you get one of those you can also use it to turn the TV set on and off.


Google Releases the SDK For Version 1.6 of Android 69

Qwavel writes "This release includes improvements to the Android Market, the Search Framework, and Text-to-Speech. It now has support for more screen resolutions and CDMA phones. Android 1.6 is based on v2.6.29 of the Linux kernel and is expected in phones that will be available next month. The mystery of Android 1.6, however, is Google's continued unwillingness to commit to a Bluetooth API and any Bluetooth functionality beyond the basic audio functions."

Comment Re:A view from the unschooled (Score 1) 1345

Basically it boils down to finding someone who knows something you are interested in and asking them questions. Find a way to earn their trust if necessary and most people are more than glad to spend a little while letting you know how something works or point you in a direction they found helpful.

The first time I recall doing this I was probably about 8. I wanted to know more about how bridges worked, and had exhausted the resources at my father's disposal, so he arranged a conversation with a civil engineer he knew who actually designed them. Suffice to say I've never learned how to design a bridge, but I learned a lot more than I expected to, and that conversation lead to many more and probably ignited my interest in calculus.

Comment A view from the unschooled (Score 4, Informative) 1345

Because you asked...

I am an example of an individual who grew up with under this exact educational philosophy and I beg to differ on the outcome most of the above commentators anticipate.

Unschooling is a set of principals and ideas about learning in general which emphasizes the individual's instinctual intellectual desire and capability over institutional time based curricula. It's in no way a new concept, with people like John Holt and Ivan Illich establishing most of the modern ideas in this educational arena several decades ago.

Though purely anecdotal, my own case is evidence that the method does indeed work, at least in my example, and I would argue it works quite well indeed.

I grew up without school until the 12th grade, and decided to enroll as a senior in an area High School mostly out of a desire to test my knowledge and socialization prior to venturing out to the greater world the following year. I was presented with a series of intensive placement tests and tested into the top levels of the senior class, where I completed the year and graduated at the statistical top of my small class without much trouble at all.

Since graduating a dozen years ago, I attained a roll as a senior software engineer at a major financial firm where I continue to design and implement technical solutions to complex problems which interest me. I'm also considered by some a bit of an expert in political strategy and consult a number of elected officials.

All this while declining to pursue higher education and instead learning from the experts in the fields which interest me.

I find that learning from those who do is much preferable to learning from those who decide to teach instead.

Additionally, the most crucial ability a critical thinker can have is the desire for and access to written knowledge and history.

The sad state of affairs which our educational system finds itself in is one which can obviously be improved. I would think that an open system with 100% subsidy which is open to the learner to take desired courses when they see fit would benefit society immensity.

Cost of such a system would indeed be high, but quite a bit less than dealing with the problems which a lack of self-motivated education hoist upon the systems of our limited resources. In a light improvements in our system to produce better learners could be viewed as the most cost-effective move we could make.
PlayStation (Games)

Sony's New Development Strategy For the PSP 86

An anonymous reader writes "Sony is finally responding to the threat posed by the iPhone, and has started aggressively courting developers around the world to work on digitally distributed games for PSP in a bid to grow the amount of software offered on its handheld. And, Develop has revealed, the firm is planning to introduce a streamlined content pipeline for the platform — which includes abolishing concept approval — plus cheaper devkits, shorter quality assurance processes, and very low price points for new games. It hasn't totally abolished the barriers around the platform for homebrew and indie devs, but it's a start."

Comment Fight back (Score 5, Insightful) 674

Don't discuss the attack, that's just playing into the hand they gave you.

What I would point out is the monthly patch cycle you buy into with MS.

Any vendor worth using releases patches as vulnerabilities are discovered, keeping software safe. MS doesn't do this, and claims it as a feature.

The rest of the world releases patches as soon as someone with eyes sees a flaw. This is a clear advantage and negates all the FUD you are seeing.

Why Do We Name Servers the Way We Do? 1397

jfruhlinger writes "If you use a Unix machine, it probably has a funny name. And if you work in an environment where there are multiple Unix machines, they probably have funny names that are variations on a theme. No, you're not the only one! This article explores the phenomenon, showing that even the CIA uses a whimsical server naming scheme." What are some of your best (worst?) naming schemes?

Tech Firms Oppose Union Organizing 715

cedarhillbilly passes along a piece from on the chilly reception that tech firms and lobbying groups are giving to a bill promoting union formation, which has a chance of passing in a more strongly Democratic congress and with a Democratic president. "Up to now, large tech groups have been on the sidelines in what is likely to be one of the roughest fights in Congress next year. A few, however, are preparing to weigh in. That makes other tech lobbyists nervous that, by doing so, the industry could sacrifice relatively good relationships with Democrats and, therefore, jeopardize some of their other legislative priorities."

Slashdot's Disagree Mail Screenshot-sm 206

Being in a relationship is not easy, more than half of all first marriages fail in this country. That statistic doesn't improve if you spend most of your time reading your favorite website and not tending to the needs of your family. Instead of asking me to help fix your relationship maybe you should try playing with your kids, talking to your wife, and not staring at a computer screen all day. You should realize that the help link doesn't provide help with your life. It's mostly for getting passwords and stuff. Below you'll find a collection of people that should have reached out to Dr. Phil and not Dr. Sam.
Wireless Networking

Replacing Fiber With 10 Gigabit/Second Wireless 107

Chicken_dinner writes "Engineers at Battelle have come up with a way to send data through the air at 10 Gigabits per second using point-to-point millimeter-wave technology. They used standard optical networking equipment and essentially combined two lower bandwidth signals to produce a 10Gb signal from the interference. They say the technology could replace fiber optics around large campuses or companies or even deliver high-bandwidth streaming within the home."

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