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Comment Re:Consumers win (Score 1) 210

Joe sixpack doesn't know about this, nor does he care.

He's going to go to Newegg, or Best Buy, and click on the cheapest laptop he can find.

Lenovo could preload it with *fish out the wazoo, and as long as it's the cheapest thing in the store it will sell.

Comment Re:Shortsightedness (Score 1) 631

Considering it's the conservative moral majority nutjobs that want to "clean up" the interwebs, I'm not really sure what your point is. I thought the conservative view was that regulation was bad and that these rules were bad? Now you're saying they're bad because they let the conservatives apply their own narrow morals to them?

Who's side are you on?

Comment I'm going to differ. (Score 1) 698

I don't think you can give her any advice on her future life. Seriously, you have no clue what she might be going through when she's 16, and little you can say now will be relevant to her. You don't want to leave her with a legacy of useless advice.

Instead, do what my father in law did - he was in much the same position as you when his grandkids were being born. He knew he would not live to see them get out of diapers.

So he spent the last 2-3 years of his life documenting his life and family history, with photos and personal stories of failure, loss, success, joys, sorrows, and tributes.

Those 3 albums are an incredible insight into his life, and the life of his family that would otherwise be lost. It's a great document that will let your daughter get to know you when you're gone. It's an unbelievable gift he left us.

Comment Re:Slow news day (Score 5, Insightful) 237

Exactly. I've had T-Mobile for years, use them internationally all over the world, and never once have I run into this, except in China when my nexus 4 decided to download a new version of Android, over and over and over.

This whole article translates to WAAAAHHHH!!!! I'm a whiner and I didn't get my way so I'm going to throw my mashed peas at the wall!

Grow up and quit whining. Sometimes you run out of your data allotment and all that happens is that TMobile throttles you down to a slower speed so you can't stream porn anymore.

Much ado about absolutely nothing.

Comment Re:Oops! (Score 2) 255

Seriously? Reagan drove the US into a financial crater. He wasted billions and billions on Sgt York, the 600 ship navy, Star Wars, and his recovery fas fueled by reckless deficit spending. The tax cuts were a small part of that.

We needed someone like Reagan at the time; we needed a "feel good" president. He delivered. But like any wild party, the hangover was pretty severe.

Comment Re:Oops! (Score 3, Insightful) 255

That's called trickle down, and it has never, ever worked. Not once. If it did, we would be swimming in jobs. Heck, we'd be drowning in jobs.

Canada has much higher taxes than the US, and they also have a wealthier middle class, much more vacation time, better benefits, public health care, a year's parental leave, all those things that are supposed to crush the economy.

Guess what - the Canadian middle class is better off than the American middle class. But keep dreaming that you can cut and starve your way to health.

Comment Re:$28 million is a lot! (Score 3, Insightful) 204

I think by using phrases like "fuzzy-warm feel-good liberal nitwits" you pretty much sideline yourself. Politics is all about compromise and finding a common solution, something that is obviously missing from your world view. No wonder you feel that your efforts have come to naught. No one wants to be called a nitwit.

Comment Re:Cheaper (Score 1) 349

If you listen to the airlines, they have been losing money each and every year since 1947 or thereabouts. Yet they're still around, and their CEOs are making millions in bonuses and salaries. Something tells me that the airlines aren't quite telling the whole truth.

The bad airlines have died and rightfully so. But many of the others are making money, just whining about how hard it is to make money and provide decent service.

Comment Re:Airlines could surcharge for the actual journey (Score 1) 349

I bought and paid for a journey. In the business world, schedules change a lot. I change my itinerary a lot. I fly with airlines that understand that; Alaska and American are good work with in this regard. United is not. If an airline tried to charge me more for providing me less - I paid for 3 flights and I used 2 - how does that work out? What price would they use for the surchage? The price on the day I bought the ticket? The current price? Some other totally made up price?

The problem is that airline pricing is not based on cost, it's based on time of day, marketing, and apparently pixie dust. The airline can't go back and retroactively charge me some arbitrary cost since they can't explain how they arrive at that cost.

You might have a point with "conditions of carriage" but it would be marketing suicide for an airline to try to attempt this.

Much better that they just provide a sane marketing model.

Comment Re:Airlines could surcharge for the actual journey (Score 1) 349

As a frequent traveler, if an airline attempted to do this they would be sued, not just by me but by the millions of business people out there. I buy the ticket for a price. They can't come back and renegotiate the price after the fact.

Especially since the prices change on a day-to-day basis, and bear little to no relationship to actual cost.

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