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Comment Do .gov androids dream of electric red tape? (Score 1) 26

âoeThe number of AI related regulations in the U.S. has risen significantly in the past year and over the last five years.â

Once it is clear just how small government can be made by replacing Betty Catlady (she, her, hers) in the Dept. of WTF with AI Betty, expect important Betty protections to fill the regulatory pipeline.

Comment Apple could make a start (Score 1) 91

I'm a non-US iPhone user and I just want the option to schedule when my work email account is active or not.

I doubt it's a feature that has ever entered their minds.

However in the rest of the world, we want to be able to have work-related functions automatically disabled out of office hours.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Chronicle: 51 2

Oh me, oh my. I'm old and just getting older. But this year i got the best birthday present ever. My son was born just a couple days ago. I can't wait to take him home from the NICU.

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