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Comment Global Warming (Score 1) 725

Because "global warming" was a fairly terrible name for it versus "climate change"

Some places will get hotter, yes, but it also disrupts the flow of air/clouds/etc so that - as we've experienced locally - we get some extremely hot days coupled with an usual amount of wetter/colder days as well. I'm in what's considered a semi-desert climate, but it's greener than ever because we're getting a *lot* more precipitation than I've ever seen before.
For me, it's a positive thing since I'm not on a flood plain and the plants like it. The only drawback is the increased mosquitoes.
On the other hand, other people are suffering from floods, pests/pestilence (increased bugs and/or bacterium that prefer heat+humidity), and a change in biodiversity that is having both beneficial and detrimental effects on the local wildlife.

Comment Re:Custom ROM? (Score 1) 129

Maps and navigation work fine for me. I haven't used the others, or at least I don't think I have (what's a fusion location detector?)

The only things I have had issues with are certain applications with DRM that don't like rooted devices, but that's not a Play issue.

Comment Re:It's Intended (Score 1) 137

Indeed, wasn't one of those games (Candy Crush or something like that?) actually tweaking the difficulty based on your likelyhood to pay VS quit the game? Essentially if it looked like you would pay for credits in a certain situation, it would make it happen. If it looked instead like you might give up and quit altogether, it made thing easier so you'd at least keep playing (and potentially pay again later).

Comment Wetware to AI (Score 1) 564

First integrate a computer with a brain, to the point where it will control external (or attached prosthetic) devices as if they were native organs.
Then integrate to the point where the brain can request information from a computer interface, like an attached dictionary
Add a communications device of some sort. Internet-brain connection is probably never going to be a good idea though, just FYI.
Now you've got an interface to organic intelligence.
Next, start building things with little brains that don't require an existing human, etc. Programming isn't going to be much fun as you have the whole infant->adult thing, but perhaps you could work with "ratbots" or whatever on basic tasks.
Figure out where the learning/memory is stored, transfer it from a working "ratbot" to a template chip. Alternately, this may come from longevity experiments where they attempt to offload organic human personalities from their original wetware.

If it's on a chip, it can be copied, so now you've got a template of an intelligent being.
Re-use the base personality, but improve the electronics to the point where wetware isn't needed.

Now you've got AI.

Comment Markets (Score 1) 282

Did you look at the markets or companies these people worked for, or whether they were contracting? If not, then frankly you're being an idiot.
There are plenty of reasons to have a series of short jobs. Contracting is an obvious reason, but also if you're in an area/market where there are a lot of startups, etc.

As somebody who has worked in various smaller companies, sometimes the reason for switching jobs is the current or imminent disappearance of said job. In one case the main client (whom my position was also tied fairly close to) left. In another, the company had a good product but real into financial issues. Another company I left after they started paying bills on a last-minute basis (writing on the wall), and yet another was basically a "I'll take this lower-paying rather uninteresting job because the last went under" interim position.

Of course, as I got older it was easier to find more lasting positions, but frankly the short stints each contributed a *LOT* to my experience. Each position had new challenges and knowledge I picked. They just weren't very reliable jobs.

In a era where the economy and job market has taken a kicking, you shouldn't be ruling out talent just because they've had a couple of short hops unless you consider the reasons behind them.

Comment Re:Backfire (Score 1) 105

It doesn't know about that accident that happened 30 minutes ago

I'm not sure sure about this. In certain major cities I've driven (Canada mind, not the UK), my maps has been pretty good at flagging heavy-traffic areas as yellow or red. It might not know it's an accident, but it does seem to know where slowdowns are. Perhaps it's just basing data on prediction via time-of-day, or maybe they'll aggregating phone GPS/nav data and figuring out that "X devices have been stuck/slowed in this area for Y minutes".

Comment Re:A good idea, but... (Score 1) 210

Ditto for Canada. I see stuff about this prof, and some stuff about "binary options" and insurance scams.

I'm guessing that it may have less to do with "right to be forgotten" and more that both "will" is a common word, and "broker scam" is close enough that it's getting that instead of "brooker"

Even when I say to only use "Will Brooker" it doesn't come up with this fellow though. Perhaps wherever you've posted such info just isn't somewhere that places high on Goog's search results.

Comment "shock sites" (Score 1) 115

Now *that* would be amusing. Dual-container encrypted volume. The easily cracked volume containing a few years worth of stuff collected from various shock sites.
Heck, no need even for dual encryption. Just make it something with an attention-getting name with an easy password stored in a place that curious inlookers could be easily trolled...

Next time one of those "This is Microsoft, your PC is sending a virus" calls come through, I should share out a VM with one of these and a container marked "banking info 2014" and a password of "12345" :-)

Comment Personal content (Score 2) 115

I've got an encrypted volume on my main box that's got stuff I'd rather not my family members/wife/friends get into. It's nothing illegal, and it's not something that would end in a divorce if she did see it, just a collection of stuff I'd rather not share with the world. Since I have people over for LAN parties and share out drives on occasion, making sure such files are in an encrypted container ensure that even if I accidentally gave them access to the wrong place, they won't be snooping around my stuff.

Given the number of personal stuff people accidentally share over P2P networks (e.g. sharing all of "My Documents" for windows users), having stuff in an encrypted file in a safe place isn't a terrible idea. If the police want to see it, bring a properly signed warrant and go ahead. They'll likely be entertained but nothing is going to end me up in a PMITAP.

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