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Comment Naive Schoolboy Dream (Score 4, Insightful) 105

"Humanity needs a backup plan," he says. "If you want to be a sustainable species, you want to be a multiplanetary species."

We need to put this naive schoolboy idea to bed.

There is no planet B.

There will be no planet A if we continue to fail to act on the climate emergency.

We have no right to take on another planet if we cannot look after our own.

Comment Earth's ever more fragile biosphere (Score 1) 133

How do they think that they are going to get Data Centers on the moon without trashing our planet in the process.
Fossil Fuels, Extraction , Pollution.

Last time i checked its impossible to launch heavy payloads into space without these things.

Chris Stott is employing a fashionable technique to sell this idea. And idea founded in greenwash and ignorance.

Comment Successive Tory Governments & Capitalsm (Score 0) 60

A study from the department of the fucking obvious.

Both of these things ( Air Pollution & Depression ) are symptoms of a neglectful conservative governments.
Air Pollution kills approximately 33000 people in the UK per year. Air pollution that could be avoided but our tory governments policies are those that INCREASE pollution and mame our planets ability to sequester it, not decrease it or rewiild areas of land
Thanks to our system facilitating the agenda of billionaires and the ruling class aka Tories
Mental Health in the UK is in crisis.
Not surprising since , in addition to the air pollution issue.
We have
* worst wages in the EU
* worst pensions in the EU
* child poverty so bad tthe WHO had to intervene.
* we see our leaders corrupt and lining the pockets of their wealthy mates at the expense of peoples lives
* we see a political system so broken and poisoned that democracy is gone.
* we see the emergence of a new kind of fascism.

Is it any wonder we are depressed ?

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