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Comment Re:Just call it for what it is... (Score 1) 45

Your statement ascribes to them "wants", which is an intention, which you cannot observe as fact except if they have said so (which they have not done).

People way smarter than you or me have solved that problem a long time ago. Courts determine intent (even past intent) based on observable actions. This is especially true in murder cases: someone pointing a gun at another's head and firing the trigger is a pretty good indication that the murderer intended to kill, even though they say it's just an accident.

Here, we observe that the EUSSR, like they did in the past, open an investigation into a wealthy foreign entity, and we know from the past that their true intention is to enrich their own coffers.

Comment Re:Correlation vs causation (Score 1) 34

You clearly don't understand how science is done. Real scientists always look at possible weaknesses in their studies and disclose them. You've clearly only have experience on the Internet where everyone is always 100% right and certain.

Sure, I only have two grad degrees and am working on my third one. Yeah, I know nothing about scientific research. At all. Especially data. Totally clueless.

Nope nope nope, I recognize a flawed study written only to make headlines and get citations when I see one.

Comment Correlation vs causation (Score 0) 34

From the study itself (pages 16 and 17):

Some methodological issues of this study need to be considered. First, the study was based on aggregate data at the municipality level and the interpretation of the results depends on the assumption of homogeneity of exposure within municipalities

Second, we could not adjust the association of PFAS exposure with the risk of cardiovascular disease

Third, our period of observation began approximately 15years after the onset of exposure because of limita- tions in availability of mortality data. As a consequence, we excluded from the exposed population those munici- palities with groundwater contamination since 1966

And fourth, comparisons with other studies from the same area should be made with some caution because of the possibility that the municipalities considered to rep- resent the âcontaminated areaâ(TM) and the uncontaminated (or reference) area have been selected using data from different reports of regional authorities or have been defined according to criteria partly different from ours. The selection of the uncontaminated area is particularly prone to arbitrary assumptions and between-studies variation, with a risk of misclassification of exposure.

As for the last one: "we're unsure if our data is what we think it is".

How the fuck did this even get peer-reviewed?

Comment Re: $199? (Score 1) 64

Well I know when I watch train webcams there are a shocking number of Prime containers on railcars. I think they have just scaled up massively.

Ten years ago, I did a weekly road trip from San Jose to San Diego, traveling the 182 mile through the central valley every Friday and Sunday, for about 18 months for a contracting gig. It was one truck after another. Usually agricultural or just random trucking company.

Last weekend I did the same trip to see a friend. I swear that every third truck appeared to be an Amazon Prime truck. Absolutely nuts.

Comment Re:she seems less than open and honest herself (Score 3, Insightful) 29

she was open and up-front about her pregnancy.

What I don't get is:

A. Who the fuck cares? You know that getting pregnant is a part of life. It's part of the work-life balance. Her manager should have been "wow, congrats! How can I make it easy for you?"

Most most importantly:

B. Why on earth are they allowing such an incredibly talented woman to go work for the competition over something as simple as a little bit or maternity leave? This is just plain stupid.

Comment Re:Doesn't like military using their services (Score 1) 308

As to the verified and how, that is the act of a professional army. You verify that what was targeted was destroyed. This is how the rare events where hostages or where surrendering fighters killed are identified as well. There are others killed, and there is deception by Hamas with its control of public information, but the results are clear. The targeted Hamas leadership, the hidden Hamas barracks and weapons depots, their underground tunnel network, and large groups their armed fighters have all been killed successfully.

Comment Re:Doesn't like military using their services (Score 1) 308

Read more carefully, it is the measure per targeted building. That is how you compare performance and moderation in wars in urban areas. The US is the leader in ethical acts here. The point of the comparison is both qualitative in describing the fortifications, and quantitative in describing the average number and yield.

Comment Re:Doesn't like military using their services (Score 1) 308

The Israeli and Palestinian claims of nation-hood are conflicting. The idea of the two-state compromise would be the best solution if all parties wanted to compromise, but that is not what exists now and is not what has ever existed. Hamas was created by the rejects from the PLO's rush peace with Israel as Jordan made peace and returned their militarily occupied territory in the West Bank. Hamas has functioned only as a terrorist group attacking civilian areas with rockets and bombings in the past decades; further it has sunk beyond redemption with its recent attack whole-heartedly demonstrating that its ranks harbor criminals rebranded as their fighters. There were mass targeted sexual assaults against Israelis, desecration of bodies, and genital mutilation during their attack on the Nova festival and surrounding communities. There were targeted home invasions, including murder at random, as well as abductions and kidnappings of families. These are not the acts of a military force in a national formation war, they are the acts of criminal gang hiding under the Palestinian flag and underneath the violent perversions of the teachings of Muhammed that inspires the like-minded ISIS, Boko Haram, Taliban, Iran, and all of the Iranian proxies.

Comment Re: Doesn't like military using their services (Score -1, Flamebait) 308

Among the aid routes established by Israel to facilitate the transfer of aid to the Palestinians held hostage by Hamas, it was only the northern routes that were closed during the first 6 months of war. They are open now. The southern routes have remained open the entire duration. That said, the southern routes were also at reduced capacity because of the lack of drivers willing to cross into Gaza as well as some illegal protests.

Comment Re:Doesn't like military using their services (Score -1, Troll) 308

They are true. The points you imply are not true as stated, instead they are the direct products of the Hamas control of public information given to the media. IDF sources verified that roughly 1/3rd of the deaths were combatants. Their combat methods are moderate - on average using a single 1K bomb where the US used 3-4 0.5K bombs per building targeted in its fight against the similarly urbanized ISIS strongholds. While ISIS fortified buildings, Hamas has purpose-built fortresses. The largest impact craters show visual evidence of underground detonations.

While it is true aid was reduced by the temporary blockade of the northern routes into Gaza, it was dones to ensure security because those same routes were used by the terrorists to attack the Nova festival and the surrounding communities. It was an entirely calculated attack by Hamas which resulted in both direct Israeli deaths and indirect Palestinian ones through aid disruption given the known concentration camp state that Hamas ran holding Palestinians hostage. Hamas killed both groups deliberately for PR value as enemies dead or "martyred", and plans to continue kills as many as it can in the future based on public statements by its leadership since the Nova attack.

Comment Re:We should be feeling uncomfortable (Score 3, Insightful) 308

I appreciate your application of ethics. One note however - the correct methods include evaluating the future deaths risked by each course. If you do not kill the terrorist at the cost of x others, will it allow the terrorist to kill x or more? This calculus is very easy regarding terrorist leaders and signs their death warrants. To be fair, if you kill the terrorist and x, you must also consider whether that increased the total deaths unnecessarily since their surrender would be a valid alternative. If they will continue to fight if left alive, they must be killed as quickly as possible given the x constraint and expected future deaths.

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