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Comment Solved with dogs (Score 4, Insightful) 394

How much of this security theater can be solved with a bomb-sniffing dog? Instead of checking each new thing for a bomb and still not being able to find them, a dog can just smell the explosive wherever it happens to be hidden. But no, we don't want to do that, that's too obvious, cheap, and easy. We'd much rather have a 1000x more expensive, incomplete and cumbersome solution.

Comment Why? Coverage (Score 1) 205

3g is wireless, and wireless varies on cost depending on coverage. A 5mb connection with nearly seamless nationwide coverage can't cost the same to maintain as a 5mb connection that has spotty intermittent coverage, and that cost has to be passed on. What you suggest is that a speed limited rolls royce should cost the same as a same-speed limited honda civic.

Comment Game reviews are absolute (Score 1) 98

The main issue seems to be in the ratings systems. Game reviews rate games on an absolute scale, not a relative scale. If reviewers honestly rated EA's crap games relative to EA's gems, then there would be a whole lot of sub-5 ratings. However, even a relatively crap EA game, assuming you had never played a game before in your life, is still an impressive piece of work. Consumers would have to start demanding relative scales on ratings before they would help out in selecting a game for anyone but someone who had perhaps never played a game before, in which case any major release correctly would be really impressive to that person... until they play one that really is a 10/10 on the relative scale.

Comment Games dont have proper endings (Score 1) 341

That's easy, many of today's games don't have linear gameplay or a proper ending. I bet lots of people finish games that have level 1-10 and then you win. How do you "win" world of warcraft? Sure, people finish the quests, etc. and in that way, they are finishing the game because the game doesnt have any other "you win" at some point.

Comment CLI doesnt guarantee same changes (Score 1) 617

" If you write a script, you're certain that the changes made will be identical on each box. If you're doing them all by hand, you aren't.'"

No... if you write a script, you're certain that the change ATTEMPT made is the same. The changes may very well not be the same, if one of the boxes is messed up, but you can be certain it wasn't because you did it differently on that box. That's the difference between a GUI and a CLI... you get a same attempt guarantee, which allows you to blame the box instead of yourself when management comes asking why it failed.

Comment Re:Albini's story redux (Score 1) 495

The point is that the company will find some way to try to claw back that investment, and unless you do extremely, exceptionally well on ROI, you will not be rich at all. The truly insidious part is that as you start to make more, the label rigs the ROI against you by taking out more pr and stuff in the name of selling more, when really it just eats away at your profit.

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