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Comment Re:Work on the basics (Score 1) 387

Node is awesome, but please stop spreading the nosql myth. Even if you use something like mongodb, it cannot fully guarantee data integrity. Using something like postgresql or even mysql, not only gives you a huge usernase, industry standard tools and lots of help out there when you encounter the strange situation you will always run into when coding. Suggesting othherwise is either downright irresponsible or simply you are not doing mission critical stuff.

Comment Re:Very surprised that it took this long (Score 1) 232

I don't know, surely de Raadt has a reputation, but those guys have done a great thing in general. Having that attitude is what helps getting stuff done most of the time instead of happy hand holding, we are all good friends kind of attitude. Not signing packages and not wanting to use gnupg is kind of absurd, but I have seen weirdest attitudes in the free software world, like sticking with Vi instead of quick edit and easier tools like nano, or this whole thing about gnu info vs man pages.

I have been using Debian for my servers, but I'm seriously considering switching to OpenBSD mostly because it provides a barebones installation that is mostly secured by default. That and stability is what I value the most for servers and these guys deliver big time.

Comment Re:It's a very sad day (Score 3, Insightful) 291

Are you seriously suggesting that Snowden is not trustworthy? I would definitely support the guy that had to run away from his country because of a massive information leak than some crude government/corporation propaganda. It truly makes me wonder why you are posting as an anonymous coward and spread FUD about the only way we could have found out about such things in the first place.

Comment Re:Xubuntu (Score 1) 829

But if you need to manage an engineering office, wait until users start crying out for their AutoCAD, or even worse, propietary software created with god knows what outdated version of Visual Basic. Then the whole advantage of deploying Linux suddenly disappears. Now if you are in a software company, that's a whole different story.

Comment Re: Install Classic Shell (Score 2) 829

I would deploy Windows 8 for the same reason I would deploy the latest Office. They both suck in my humble opinion, but the whole world seem stuck with Microsoft solutions and Windows 8 is noticeable faster than Windows 7, so there is that at least.

Classic Shell is good for personal use, but even the weird Windows 8 interface still does the job. After certain point in your life you realize that you are being a geek for worrying too much about petty stuff like how an OS looks or feel. The world would be a lot better off if everybody used Linux and OpenDocument to save their stuff, but that simply won't happen on a large scale, so just go with whatever the industry is using and be done with it. Seriously, in the end most of your users could not care less.

Comment Re:Do these projects OpenBSD, FreeBSD matter anywa (Score 1) 280

Yeah those lamerz at OpenBSD...

From Wikipedia:

Proprietary systems from several manufacturers are based on OpenBSD, including devices from Armorlogic (Profense web application firewall), Calyptix Security, GeNUA mbH, RTMX Inc,[5] and .vantronix GmbH.[6] Later versions of Microsoft's Services for UNIX, an extension to the Windows operating system which provides some Unix-like functionality, use much OpenBSD code included in the Interix interoperability suite, developed by Softway Systems Inc., which Microsoft acquired in 1999.[7][8] Core Force, a security product for Windows, is based on OpenBSD's pf firewall.[9]

Comment Re:Not really (Score 3, Informative) 280

Not having stuff running by default is not the only thing OpenBSD does. It has a crapload of features regarding security, starting with the very nice firewall, so please go educate yourself and then comeback. That system is perfect for production systems like web servers and proxy servers which is where I use it.

Comment Re:They have the money to do this (Score 2, Interesting) 250

The WSJ? Really, a bunch of conservatives writing about the demise of a country they perceive as a threat. LOL.

I'm in China and all I can tell you is that you still haven't even seen half of what's coming. The only issue I see is the high cost to acquire real estate, but the Chinese being what they are, just tackle the issue by making it a top priority or a must in a family to buy the house first and then get married. So the main thing is that they are used to a lot of hardships Western people would not be able to endure for a week, especially the jobs where they treat you like crap and only pay 3000 yuans. But by basically eating 10 yuan noodles every day and actually saving as much as they can, the Chinese thrive. Sorry but humankind need to go through periods of crap to become better and the Chinese had their fair share and now they will just keep going up for at least two more generations from what I see. Even the 1-child policy had the unintended effect of making a large portion of the population a lot more educated since families poured all the resources in their single child instead.

So again dude, you still haven't seen the half of it. If you want to get a glimpse, go to Chengdu, the New Century Global building and you will see what I'm talking about.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 1216

Violent crime rate in Venezuela is horrendous, there is a whole culture of violence far worse than what you have in the US simply because institutions do a miserable job and are ridden with corruption and extreme bureaucracy. Sure, there is no lone gunman in Venezuela killing people because he is crazy, but who cares when you have people that will hit you or even kill you in extreme cases just to get your cellphone, car or cash you got in a bank.

On the other hand, Venezuela is doing rather well when it comes to social justice and inequality, something that sadly is way too familiar in Latin America. And the way you see this in the street is that the government is very tough on businesses, to the point where it can actually be bad for the economy, but it is really good for the workers.

The main issue is their exchange control that is creating economic chaos, with hyperinflation being a very real problem. This was entirely the current government fault for two reasons: eliminating a system Chavez left in place to ease imports (SITME) and not having the balls to get rid of the currency exchange control and prevent the shortages and the massive contraband of goods and fuels taking place in the border with Colombia.

Comment Re:I guess I'll see (Score 1) 156

I tried a lot to like GW2, with its fancy graphics and good pvp, open world progression, no level requirements for a lot of stuff, but to be honest, in my case it just wasn't as fun as WoW. To the point where I actually started playing WoW again, and one of the things that really shine are the professions, even if you play WoW solo the game delivers in a very simplistic manner one hell of an experience.

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