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Michigan Latest State To Ban Direct Tesla Sales 256

An anonymous reader writes As many expected, Michigan Governor Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill that bans Tesla Motors from selling cars directly to buyers online in the state. When asked what Tesla's next step will be, Diarmuid O'Connell, vice president of business development, said it was unclear if the company would file a lawsuit. "We do take at their word the representations from the governor that he supports a robust debate in the upcoming session," O'Connell said. "We've entered an era where you can buy products and services with much greater value than a car by going online."

Deutsche Telecom Upgrades T-Mobile 2G Encryption In US 27

An anonymous reader writes T-Mobile, a major wireless carrier in the U.S. and subsidiary of German Deutsche Telecom, is hardening the encryption on its 2G cellular network in the U.S., reports the Washington Post. According to Cisco, 2G cellular calls still account for 13% of calls in the US and 68% of wireless calls worldwide. T-Mobile's upgrades will bring the encryption of older and inexpensive 2G GSM phone signals in the US up to par with that of more expensive 3G and 4G handsets. Parent company Deutsche Telecom had announced a similar upgrade of its German 2G network after last year's revelations of NSA surveillance. 2G is still important not only for that 13 percent of calls, but because lots of connected devices rely on it, or will, even while the 2G clock is ticking. The "internet of things" focuses on cheap and ubiquitous, and in the U.S. that still means 2G, but lots of things that might be connected that way are ones you'd like to be encrypted.

Comment do you even tinfoil, bro? (Score 5, Funny) 700

Fine, I'll just come out and say it, it's what we're all secretly thinking anyhow.

This is just another nail in the coffin pushed by none other than then N S A.
They want to be able have a documented chain of custody for every component in every piece of your equipment so the cyberpolice can backtrace any illegal encryption and punish scapegoats to justify their exponentially growing budgets. This way they can automatically tell if you done goofed and make sure the consequences will never be the same.

WARNING : may contain MKPUPPET triggers. Processed on machinery that may have also been used to process peanuts. Oops, maybe we should have put that up front.

FTDI Reportedly Bricking Devices Using Competitors' Chips. 700

janoc writes It seems that chipmaker FTDI has started an outright war on cloners of their popular USB bridge chips. At first the clones stopped working with the official drivers, and now they are being intentionally bricked, rendering the device useless. The problem? These chips are incredibly popular and used in many consumer products. Are you sure yours doesn't contain a counterfeit one before you plug it in? Hackaday says, "It’s very hard to tell the difference between the real and fake versions by looking at the package, but a look at the silicon reveals vast differences. The new driver for the FT232 exploits these differences, reprogramming it so it won’t work with existing drivers. It’s a bold strategy to cut down on silicon counterfeiters on the part of FTDI. A reasonable company would go after the manufacturers of fake chips, not the consumers who are most likely unaware they have a fake chip." Update: 10/24 02:53 GMT by S : In a series of Twitter posts, FTDI has admitted to doing this.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 529

" Do you know how many terrorists that wanted to kill me I have come face to face with? 0.

Remove the "I have come face to face with" and that answer will certainly not be zero.

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