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Comment I've seen the same thing (Score 2) 227

In my first year of computer science in CEGEP, we were 60 students. 2 of them were women. They accepted pretty much anybody who applied based purely on your highschool grades. Right off the bat you've got a 97% male program, and there was no bias in that selection either (for what it's worth, the person deciding on applications was female). Women simply did not apply for the program in the first place.

It's always been obvious to me that the reason that there are so few female developers has little to do with hiring practices and a lot to do with the lack of interest in computer science among women. You just have to look threw a stack of CVs when people apply for jobs at your company for it to be obvious: when there are so few CVs from women in the pile, statistically you're not going to hire as many of them.

Comment Re: Buy a Mac (Score 1) 554

It's not, but the statement was "Macs before 2009 can't run the current version of OS X".

The reason the earlier Mac Mini isn't supported is apparently due to the lack of a 64-bit driver being available for the Intel GMA 950 used. It's probable that by the time a 64-bit driver was needed (the move to Mountain Lion) in 2012, those mac minis had been out long enough that they didn't consider it worth writing a new driver to get them supported.

There are, however, workarounds to install Mountain Lion and Mavericks on those machines. Unfortunately, while it's possible to get Mountain Lion running relatively stably, Mavericks isn't very stable on them.

Those older Mac Minis aren't entirely useless, though. They run Windows 7 and 8 just fine via BootCamp :)

Comment Re:forgettiing (Score 1) 554

If memory serves, when Apple's A7 came out, benchmarks showed it as being faster than low-end Atom processors, and there are faster ARM chips on the market than the A7 now (including Apple's own revision of it, the A8). There's a lot of overlap in the performance spectrum between high-end ARM and low-end x86.

Comment Re:Let's put things back into perspective (Score 3, Interesting) 111

Yes, how minor an accomplishment for a country still recovering from being destroyed in a devastating world war to produce trains in 1963 that were a mere 31% faster than the GG1. Shattering the speed record for actual passenger service is such an inconsequential accomplishment.

The Shinkansen may not have held that record for long, but it's been on the forefront of high-speed rail ever since. And compared to the average speed of the fastest trains between Montreal and New York City in 2014 (around 50 kilometers per hour), it's blazing fast.

Comment Re:... and other services (Score 3, Interesting) 67

Have some irony:


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms 1 ms
    2 10 ms 39 ms 14 ms 10.245.x.x
    3 11 ms 13 ms 10 ms 10.170.x.x
    4 10 ms 8 ms 17 ms []
    5 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms []
    6 22 ms 17 ms 23 ms []
    7 17 ms 16 ms 15 ms []

Trace complete.

Comment Re:No USB charging? Nonstandard cable? (Score 1) 189

That may say more about a problem with the Targus thing you're using than anything else. My iPhone 4S running iOS 8 is still charging fine plugged into my Windows PC or my various battery packs... but the fact that you're using your BlackBerry's charger just goes to show that it can charge off regular USB without issue.

Now, it's definitely true that Apple went a non-standard route for high-power USB charging (charging over USB at amperages in excess of the half amp standard of USB 2), but the worst case scenario there is that it will charge slower, not that it won't charge at all, and the point becomes moot when most accessories (like decent battery packs) support both Apple's high-power standard and USB-IF's own. I think I paid $20 for my Anker battery pack, and my giant NewTrent one was pretty cheap considering it's got a battery of a size you might expect to find in a laptop. Both work fine with Apple devices.

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