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Comment Re:This whole thing seems like an ad for the Wii U (Score 1) 126

Split/shared screen isn't really the same thing as Wii U, though. And the article barely mentions the idea of dual screens.

Every console supports split screen right now, because Shooters have it. And fighters have shared screen. It isn't anything the Wii U is leading the way at.

The article was interesting to me, because personally I gravitate towards RPGs and an occasional quirky type game. I'd love to do a shared/split screen game, but they're all shooters & fighters. The only real exceptions I've found are the RPG Fable 2 (which was a bit of a button-masher, but OK), and the puzzle game Ilomilo which is pretty fun. Oh yeah, and those old Guitar Hero games, but that's not really my thing.

Comment Re:Why sell one copy when you can sell four? (Score 1) 84

I don't know about this. Call of Duty Ghosts is currently $30 for PC, $30 for XBox, $36 for XBone. New releases are all $60, right? Savings don't sound like much.

I don't own an XBOne, I just think gaming PCs are inherently pretty expensive. Your example of $379 for a super cheap gaming PC doesn't include the $100+tax cost of windows, so that's pretty much in line with the $500-$600 I was talking about.

Looking at the survey, it seems 1080p is much more popular than 1600x900. Obviously going higher is better and I'll guess lower resolutions are often done by the people running HD Graphics 4000 and the like.

Comment Re:Why sell one copy when you can sell four? (Score 1) 84

Realistically, even a bare-minimum gaming PC (with Windows & video card) is going to be $500-$600, and more like $700-$800 for something that can play the big games out now at 1080p. Of course many gamers here will spend $1000+. In addition, that requires you to spend the time/deal with the bother of building your own gaming PC - sure, for some people it's kind of fun, for other people they don't enjoy it, and time is money. And then what you set up is going to be a big noisy box that may work great in a basement, but less so in a living room or even home office.

Saying it can do work or run emulators or watch movies isn't really relevant. Any old computer can do that, even a $30 Raspberry Pi.

Comment Re:bah! (Score 1) 250

Well you can go to a ballgame at 3 com park. You can go to go to a museum, which is generally corporate sponsored. You can go to a free concert in the park, where a local company advertises in exchange for monies given.

And of course most of the art in classical Florence was private. There are indeed rich people in the Bay Area with private collections of art.

Comment Re:The MP3 files are just fine (Score 0) 413

I listen to MP3s plenty, or even Pandora, so I don't want to come off like a snob. But even with a shitty turntable and shitty speakers, it's very obvious that LPs sound better than CDs/MP3s. I get surprised comments on it all the time.

Also, the hook of this player isn't higher bitrates (any player can do FLAC or at least 320 kbps MP3) but the higher quality electronics, output levels, S/N ratios, etc.

Comment Re:you've got to be kidding me (Score -1, Redundant) 413

No, this is not true. Polynesian isn't a language, it's a family of languages. The languages aren't entirely mutually intelligible. It's like Romance languages, which come from a similar base and have many words in common, but aren't the same language and may not be mutually intelligible.

Wikipedia has a Hawaiian Language entry, there are several Hawaiian languagedictionaries in print.

Comment Re:Winding down? (Score 3, Insightful) 111

What makes you think Pi is popular with the kids? It seems to be a nerd-only thing that's popular mostly as a cheap XBMC box.

Low power? Is this really an issue for children, like their parents only let them draw two amps at a time for their main computing device?

And by the time you include a monitor, case, keyboard, etc, a netbook with monitor is going to be cheaper and draw less power and let them use the most popular and supported business/educational/entertainment software.

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