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Comment Re:Autism (Score 1) 588

If there were another smart animal on this planet, as smart as we are and more cooperative and less likely to lie to each other AND being speciist, ie not trusting human beings, then they would have an evolutionary advantage as a species over us. There isn't.

This is totally mind-blowing to consider. Perhaps that's exactly the kind of species we could encounter that was space-faring, and from another planet, solar system or galaxy. When you consider the Borg in Star Trek terms fits this concept perfectly, it's a little chilling. I wonder if it's simply free will and a short lifespan that causes a species to be so completely dishonest as human beings.

Comment Re:Autism (Score 1) 588

You're falling prey to the foolish notion that someone couldn't devise a strategy around this deficiency. One exists to effectively remove dishonesty from the equation.

We're in the age of dating profiles. A successful nerdy high functioning autistic can mate and bear children easily enough. The fact the autistic doesn't have to contend with hundreds of women eagerly waiting for his sexual attention merely offers up more time to do whatever great things the universe has in store.

Comment Re:Autism (Score 1) 588

So you're suggesting that evolution relies upon dishonesty? You're not wrong... but at some point we hit a wall where continued dishonesty creates a threat that puts our species at risk (which is where we are today). To survive as a species we have to uphold honesty as a defacto requirement or we'll simply be culled from history like the dinosaurs.

Comment Autism (Score -1, Troll) 588

Autism is a giant leap forward evolutionary. These low-functioning autistic kids simply haven't had the necessary stimulus, training and radical therapy to become higher functioning. Autism is not a disorder, it is the application of pure order in a world of chaos and ill-intention.

Comment Re:So... (Score 0) 172

Having done some off-road driving the big advantage here is when you crest a steep hill and need to see what is immediately on the other side of the crest. A variation on this is when you crest a hill, on a narrow trail, which may be curved, which makes it nearly impossible to see what is beyond and which way you need to turn to stay on track or avoid a hazard, which you can't get out and see.

It's nice, but not something you couldn't have rigged yourself and I'm pretty sure kits exist for.

Comment Re:Hotel tax??? (Score 1) 319

It's a tax. It's so some people can spend money without going to the trouble of earning it.

It takes a lot of money to run a city. Several of California's larger cities are near bankrupt (yeah, yeah, don't honor contracts on retirement, blah, blah, blah) Keeping SFO afloat means the city is always looking for a way to stick it to people. One of these days Golden Gate Park will be crammed with parking meters (or those pay stations) The city is becoming less friendly to tourism. Why bother with festivals and stuff when you keep robbing visitors.

Comment Timely... (Score 2) 37

We're moving development into HTML5 and CSS3, with more users interested in apps which they can use on tabs or mobiles.

Big trick is figuring how to make apps work on a smaller screen and not totally suck (like fb does.)

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