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Comment Re:Lest we forget (Score 1) 229

there never were natives in England.

Everyone who can trace their ancestry back far enough will find Eastern European roots.

(I only have to go back to 1822 and I'm looking at Polack, French, Spanish, German, Greek, black West African and Scandinavian).

Don't be a shithead. Go back far enough, and only Africa has 'natives'.

Comment She won (Score 1) 4

She won. She will now sport a lucrative career as a public... whatever. The narrative has been formed. Political Correctness has no room for objective truth. Just like the crumbling of lies surrounding the Rolling Stone/UVA 'rape', we shouldn't be looking at facts and events. Brianna's feels are more important.

Once again, the most dangerous group to women is formed of other women.

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