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Comment Re:Pshaw (Score 1) 270

ExpertsExchange has an extremely misleading UI, starting with a question, followed by graphics that imply it's hiding the answer and you must register to see it... but all the text google thinks is there, is really there... you just have to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

(You may know this and block them simply because they're being intentionally misleading... OTOH, you may not. I actively railed against them for years before noticing.)

Comment Re:Traffic Cameras are Free Money... (Score 1) 567

Ah, another Knoxvillian...

After getting a small speeding ticket from Oak Ridge at one of these red light cameras I swore off going to Oak Ridge for any financial transaction. So far, I've counted about $3,500 worth of small contracts, Craigslist purchases and whatnot I've turned down or avoided simply because they were in Oak Ridge.

It's my small, passive-aggressive non-resident contribution to Oak Ridge.

Comment Re:You don't (Score 1) 533

RE: "Seriously.. despite all the controversy it has stirred up.. if you don't have anything to hide.. who cares"

That is, of course, the crux of the privacy argument and even exactly the sentiment Eric Schmidt was expressing: "Only bad people want privacy."

Even defending those that want privacy is hard to express. Why would you want privacy? What do you have to hide that you don't want known?

So here are a few off-the-cuff points for privacy:

* There's a quote out there (google it--lol) that goes along the lines of "You don't need privacy to protect you from the government you have today, you want privacy to protect you from the government it may become."

* People's ideas of what's acceptable to share are different depending on the times. Maybe a miniskirt is no big thing today. Maybe by the time she's running for senate miniskirt=whore. Maybe you comment on a friend's private facebook account. Maybe last week Facebook just made all that very, very public (

* On the last vein, Do you think if today were 1929 you'd hesitate to put that you were Jewish on your online profile?

* Even publicly making a stance on pro/anti online privacy costs you in some way. Certainly anyone pro-privacy had better have a squeaky clean past present and future. After all, anyone that uses and the like are exactly the wingnuts you'd want to track, right?

Nobody can see into the future far enough to know just what they'll regret, and just what it will cost them.

Comment Re:Not keeping low profile? (Score 1) 888

That made me think of an even better idea... astroturf yourself. "[Joe Skeleton] wins Nobel Peace Prize!" etc. Get enough out there--backdated even--and if anyone asks, just say you have some real prankster buddies.

Short of that though, your best bet really is to start putting your name out there for what you've done since. I've sort of had the opposite effect happen to me. For years just out of college I thought it was pretty rad to be findable online and worked to be every result on the first page (why... I don't know.) of Altavista (yeah, remember them?). Then after a while I changed my mind and started pulling things offline, which left only crap I couldn't erase myself. Now the first page results include only one item that's legitimately from me (not someone with my same name) and it's of me chewing out a guy on a mailing list. Thus my legacy is of being a douche to some random guy. =/

It's funny.  Laugh.

Vatican Debates Possibility of Alien Life 721

Pickens writes "The Telegraph reports that the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have profound implications for the Catholic Church. For centuries, theologians have argued over what the existence of life elsewhere in the universe would mean for the Church. Among other things, extremely alien-looking aliens would be hard to fit with the idea that God 'made man in his own image' and Jesus Christ's role as savior would be confused; would other worlds have their own Christ-figures, or would Earth's Christ be universal? Just as the Church eventually made accommodations after Copernicus and Galileo showed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and when it belatedly accepted the truth of Darwin's theory of evolution, Catholic leaders say that alien life can be aligned with the Bible's teachings. 'Just as a multiplicity of creatures exists on Earth, so there could be other beings, also intelligent, created by God,' says Father Jose Funes, a Jesuit astronomer at the Vatican Observatory and one of the organizers of the conference. Others do not agree. 'If you look back at the history of Christian debate on this, it divides into two camps. There are those that believe that it is human destiny to bring salvation to the aliens, and those who believe in multiple incarnations,' says Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist. 'The multiple incarnations is a heresy in Catholicism.'"

Comment Re:Tethering (Score 2, Insightful) 555

OP is ranting to a degree that he's misrepresenting his case.

First, all smartphones require this crappy extra $30/month fee. Blackberries, iphones... Droids. It sucks, but Droid isn't the bad guy here, it's every carrier.

Second, tethering isn't supported for most smartphone plans on the major networks. You want it on your iphone, too bad. The iphone itself supports it (as does Droid obviously) and AT&T doesn't. Well, apparently they will, but they will charge extra, just like Verizon. ( Once again, don't blame Droid / verizon, blame every carrier.

So please don't blame the Droid or Verizon for this without including every other network and smartphone in the rant. =P

(Though calling 5gb "unlimited" is pretty skeezy.)

PS. Loving my droid, tethering or no. ;-)

Comment Re:Release cycles? (Score 1) 1231

FWIW, I've been using Ubuntu since 6.10 and Karmic Koala has been by far my easiest and most care-free install. Every six months since 6.10 I've installed the new Ubuntu and it generally takes me about a week to get my OS going to full speed. Sometimes the damn dual monitor thing doesn't want to work. Sometimes my network shares stop being accessible by name and have to be hit by IP... whatever, it's all piddly one-off stuff.

Karmic Koala installed everything perfectly this time. I didn't have to custom compile Pidgin to get Microsoft Communicator functional at work. The OTR plugin worked too without custom compiling, unlike previous times.

My setup for my laptop, for the first time ever, doesn't need switchconf to load one xorg.conf for stand-alone mode and another for dual monitor docked mode. Heck, I don't even have a xorg.conf! I deleted it alltogether and let the system figure it out!

Wireless worked, the network worked, the printers worked.

Everything has been smooth smooth smooth.

So, for me at least, Koala is my favorite release yet. Kudos to the Ubuntu team, keep going!

Comment Re:Yes, go for it. (Score 1) 918

You're older than I am, but you're far too young to be pulling the "[that] fact shows at the very least your ignorance and, at worst, your ageism" bullshit.

Your argument assumes he was referring to mid-thirties as part of the "older generation[s that] didn't grow up with computers" and obviously if you were learning to program when you were eight, you're not in the same age bracket as the grandparent-post's target-generation.

But cheer up! This means you're only an old fart on the inside.

Comment Re:80 hours (Score 1) 1055

At my last company they allowed 9-nines or 4-tens. 9-nines is a great deal for the developer. Any actually important developer in a company ends up working 9 hours a day anyway, just due to interruptions, meetings, etc. so having every other friday off for doing what you'd be doing *anyway* is excellent, and if you have that mentality, then even if you *do* get called in for a crisis, well, then you don't get your "free day".

It's actually a much better deal for the developer than the manager / company. the 4-eights guys end up being the ones to stay late friday night to meet a deadline and the 9-nines and 4-tens guys get to wash their hands of it on Thursday (and only come in for a production issue/crisis).

Also, if you're the type of person with a lot of domain knowledge people probably drop by your desk a lot. Every Friday you're out someone drops by and goes "AH, dangit!" and wanders off to find someone else. Not a big deal, but it's there.

Point is, don't feel abused when you get pulled in or called, because the company's doing something very cool for you they don't have to.

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Failed projects on a resume?

gabec writes: "The economy being what it is, and layoffs layoffs around every corner, why not a "(useful) stupid" resume question? My biggest project so far--one that lasted a solid year--ended in abject failure. Angry users, bad interdepartmental PR, untestable code (at the DB level, not mine, I swear! I've got jUnit tests to prove it!), and in the end an application that no one used. Still, I spent a year on it and it'll most likely be on the tip of my tongue for any "tell me of a time when things went wrong" behavioral interview questions. Is there a reason to put it into my resume? Should I leave it off my list of "major projects"? If not, how does one best describe the debacle to justify its mentioning?"

Comment Re:I want to see one (Score 5, Insightful) 543

holy flamebait summary, batman!

Seriously... Slashdot never has made claims at being unbiased, and I have no excess fondness for MS products (I'm currently writing this from my ubuntu desktop) but still... Frontpaging needlessly harsh opinions best left to tongue-in-cheek office humor don't serve the slashdot community.

If I want vitriolic bias, I'll head to Fox News.


Submission + - Netflix Profiles gets its own petition (

gabec writes: "Less than a day after Netflix announced and Slashdot reported it would be removing Profiles — a feature allowing customers in one account to rate their movies individually and have their own queues — some intrepid Netflixer was so miffed he registered his own domain in protest! Check out and sign the petition!"

The Man Behind MySpace 186

An anonymous reader writes "The Guardian has an article looking at the life of Chris DeWolfe, a co-founder of the popular MySpace community site. The article details some of his previous work history, and the thought process that went into creating the site." From the article: "They pinched the best bits of everybody else's sites (Craigslist, Evite, and put them together in a manner that made sense. Unconcerned with technological bells and whistles and geeky one-upmanship, they instead set out to appeal to the people they knew and, beyond them, the youth tribes of middle America."

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