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Comment Re:419 (Score 1) 62

In poor countries, pervasive tax evasion means not enough money for infrastructure, or to pay sufficient salaries to government employees so that they work for their salary rather the opportunity to extort bribes.

Right, because government officials are all pure and good and if they got all the taxes that selfish individuals are evading they would definitely use them for infrastructure rather than, say, off-shore "exit funds" or 400 pairs of shoes for their wife or palatial estates in their otherwise squalor-filled country.

The prevalance of the informal (untaxed) economy is a symptom, not a cause. Cracking down on it misses the point and makes things worse.

Comment Re:Ecosystem (Score 3, Interesting) 108

Their habit of long distance migration in large groups was well suited for such an explosion, exploiting all of the nut-tree resources on North America.

Unfortunately for the passenger pigeon, their favorite American Chestnut is no longer a nut-bearing species for most of its former range, thanks to the chestnut blight. So before you can re-introduce the passenger pigeon, you need to restore the chestnut -- which horticulturists have been trying, with limited success, for decades.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 108

You also have the option of not traveling by your own car - you can rent a car, borrow one from a friend, walk, bike, or take public transit.

If you rent a car or use public transit, they're tracking you through your payment instrument and/or facial recognition. If you walk or bike, facial recognition. If you borrow a car, they'll track down your friend and have him/her rat you out, or use facial recognition.

Comment Re:Baby steps (Score 1) 289

This this car requires an AI than can improvise. It has to know that the hill you are about to go up is snow covered which means you have to gun it and not stop, otherwise you will get stuck.

It'll be easier to teach that sort of thing to a self-driving car than to your average "slower is safer in the snow" programmed human idiot. Keeping enough speed and control to drive around those assholes in their stuck Volvos while I drive around in my (slipping madly, but still going) RWD Miata is a real pain.

Comment Re:That's nice, but... (Score 4, Insightful) 419

The government could almost certainly get this data by going through the proper procedures in Ireland. That they can also get it surreptitiously doesn't matter; they're trying to establish precedent that they can legally get any data held by any US company anywhere in the world without involving any other government; that precedent is the important part, not the particular data involved.

Comment Re:Traffic stops? (Score 1) 643

I'm male and I got a written warning once. Of course the fact that it was an official written warning means this was standard procedure and would in no way be affected by a camera. The fact that no speed was written on the warning (despite their being a blank for it) explains how I got it... he'd spent a few minutes trying to get me to tell him a speed, which I wouldn't. Obviously he didn't know. Fortunately a reasonably honest specimen for a cop, even if he did try to trick me into confessing.

Comment It's way simpler than that (Score 1) 202

They just lifted them into place. The big ones might have taken two to four people. If you hadn't noticed that each generation has gotten weaker, lazier, and more morally depraved than the last, ask your parents and/or grandparents -- reserve the afternoon. Thus, by extension, back in ancient times, people had strength, stamina, and willpower that we attribute only to supernatural beings today.

Comment Re:Speaking as a grumpy (Score 2) 120

Lambdas. Ha. Lambdas are older than I am, and they think they discovered them. Garbage collection, too. Yeah, we know, functional programming and garbage collection will save the day and no one will ever have to write a loop, mutate an object, or allocate memory again. How many years have they been saying that? Probably longer than they've been saying RISC will kick CISCs butt, and ... oh, hell, the young'ns don't even know what that is, do they.

Comment Re:Seriously, we're not rapists.... (Score 1) 595

Bet you didn't see that coming. It's not merely everything a man ever does that promotes rape culture in this new world, you see, it's also every step a woman might take to reduce the likelihood of rape.

Apparently they're upset at anything a potential victim might want to do, at all.

From the article:
"As a woman, I'm told not to go out alone at night, to watch my drink, to do all of these things. That way, rape isn't just controlling me while I'm actually being assaulted -- it controls me 24/7 because it limits my behavior. Solutions like these actually just recreate that. I don't want to fucking test my drink when I'm at the bar. That's not the world I want to live in."

And there's actually a small point there. Unfortunately, however, she doesn't get a choice as to the world she lives in; none of us do, it's take it or leave it. And despite all the man-blaming, there's not much the vast majority of men, who are non-rapists, can do about the few who are. No amount of our not-raping will change the rapists out there. Particularly not the vanishingly few using date-rape drugs; they either know they're doing wrong, or they're mentally ill, and aren't likely to respond to any sort of cultural persuasion either way.

So, should she let (fear of) rape influence her to take precautions? It's really up to her. If she doesn't want her behavior limited, she can simply not limit it. The risk is hers to take, and the rapist is still in the wrong -- but that doesn't make the risk go away. It's the same risk anyone takes when they engage in behavior putting them at risk of crime -- walking around the NYC subway holding your iPhone. Cutting through the projects rather than walking around. Driving a nice car through Southwest Philadelphia. Though not testing one's drink probably falls into the same category of "not wearing a Kevlar vest whenever you go out", given how rare drink-spiking is.

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 1) 595

Otherwise they'd be black knights. I will tell your from experience though that no amount of White Knighting on the internet is gonna get you laid.

How about Black Knighting? I know it gets us much better looking horses and armor (except that guy in Holy Grail; he always was the white sheep of the group)... so maybe that too?

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