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Comment Women's lib partially responsible for bad schools. (Score 2) 19

Not that women's lib is a bad thing but before women could get any job they were qualified for many were limited and selected teaching. This means that millions of women that were smart enough to be doctors, lawyers, scientists, or engineers were teachers instead. Now it seems like most teachers are C students at best.

Comment Re:Sensors wrong (Score 1) 460

Not sure about that. Edge cases like this a pilot will trust instincts which can include what G forces you are feeling. Unfortunately that leads to error. A remote co-pilot whose life isn't on the line may make a more rational decision based on all data.

Comment Re:Objectivist utopia (Score 2) 215

Nope. They will never understand that. They also don't understand that it was the ignoring of private property (and damage to it via pollution) by government that led to the environmental destruction of the industrial revolution. If private property rights were enforced you couldn't dump your sludge or have it's runoff go onto someones property without compensating for the damage.Pollution was allowed because it was for the common good. Now where have we heard that before?

Comment Re:What I really want to see (Score 1) 96

It's out there. I wanted to start screening my LDL-P as I went on a keto diet. I have decent insurance so I went to my physician and had to pay the co-pay. Then I talked to him and he said I really didn't need that test but just a regular cholesterol test. I got the test and paid the co-pay. Then to get the results I had another appointment with him where I had to pay a co-pay and he wanted me to go on statins.

Instead I went online and found some quack that for cheaper than my co-pays would write a script for whatever test you wanted and you went to a normal Labcorp office and got the test and they e-mailed you the results. I haven't been back to the doctors since. I'd rather manage my own care.

Comment Re:Other unintended side effects (Score 1) 96

The real reason for most of this is for fear of lawsuits as well as drive business to doctors. If they actually told you the odds are 99 to 1 that what you have is a mole not cancer and don't worry the 1 person that had cancer would sue. Also by saying it might be cancer is like an advertisement to go to the doctor.

Eventually technology will get rid of being diagnosed by a person. Will will still need medical researchers and possibly surgeons but most of the intellectual work will be automated.

Comment Re:The solution to NASA's budget problem (Score 2) 47

I work at NASA and you would be surprised how accurate your statement is. The Center projects like repaving roads, tearing down old facilities, or doing something similar are always lauded for how well they were run since they are on time and on budget. Meanwhile when you are trying to do something nobody ever did before you are constantly getting threatened to have your budget cut. The real kick in the pants is when September comes and these same budget people are running around asking if anyone knows of a way to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2 days before purchase orders are cut off at the end of the year or we will lose the money.

If the work wasn't so interesting I would have left a long time ago.

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