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Comment Re:WinUAE (Score 1) 145

You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. Thanks for the info!

Been following the MMU development on WinUAE for a while and I think you'd be pleased to know the base MMU code was lifted from Aranym in the first place. A few bugs were found that were corner cases that Toni found. I believe there was some effort to back-port those fixes to Aranym, or at least let their devs know about them. If you're interested you could drop a message to him and I'm sure he would point them out.

If I get some spare time I will give the d-i build a shot. If nobody has been in there debugging maybe I could be of some service there.

Comment WinUAE (Score 1) 145

Not too long ago, WinUAE added MMU support. And it didn't take the community long to get Linux running on it.

It's nice seeing Linux run in WinUAE, but the distro is rather dated. It would be nice to have something recent running in WinUAE. And before you ask, I have no idea why this is so cool to me and why I want this so much. I just know that I do. Having a recent distro running in WinUAE is for some odd reason very nifty.

Can't explain it. Still though, I'm just very happy about this news.

Comment Re:Fighting words (Score 1) 1061

You do not have the right to incite imminent violence or breach of the peace. Chaplinsky also says you can't do that through direct personal insults.

That's why I think it should apply to Fred and his clan. That's exactly what they are doing. Watch this video. That looks like inciting a breach of the peace to me.

And we all know that's their intent. They are mostly lawyers. The scam is they rile people up enough to where they react, then they sue them. That is how they maintain their funding. The plan IS to incite a breach of the peace, which is not protected.

To me, this is a no-brainer for a Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire type ruling. The story of the Chaplinsky ruling in the wiki article isn't as extreme as what the Phelps clan does. It boggles me that this ruling somehow doesn't apply to them.

Comment Fighting words (Score 5, Informative) 1061

You do not have the right to say whatever you want. Hate speech or inciting violence are not protected. Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 1942.

"There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting" words those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality."

And that was the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court. So no, people did not die for us to have the freedom to hurt each other with hate speech.

Comment A Canticle for Leibowitz (Score 4, Funny) 453

After you die, there should be a mechanism in the spacecraft to expose you directly and slowly to the vacuum of space. You should be frozen and preserved as best as you can be. Then the ship should gently deposit you on the surface of Mars as intact as you could possibly be. Why?

What if there is an event on Earth like the flame deluge from A Canticle for Leibowitz? A nuclear event where 99% of the world is destroyed and thousands of years later we rediscover science?

Just imagine how surprised they will be to find a human skull on Mars.

Comment Patient Zero (Score 1) 287

This is where it begins, friends. This battle is the beginning of Patent Armageddon.

There is a reason why companies refer to their patent portfolios as a "war chest". Mutually Assured Destruction, kept in reserve to keep the other guy from trying anything. But now? It's an active war. This is where it begins.

The next five years are going to be interesting, if this escalates the way I think it will.

Comment Of course it is (Score 1) 209

Anything that moves the tech forward is worthwhile.

NASA developed a lot of tech specifically to get us to the moon, and along the way everyone else (who isn't going to the moon) gets to benefit from the advances.

This is like that. The goal was to get Obama elected. But the breakthroughs are something that everyone else can benefit from now that they're here.

Comment Speaking as a proud parent (Score 1) 117

I'm sitting here with my newborn daughter. And a couple of weeks ago we had this exact same ultrasound done. They handed me a picture that looked just like a single frame of this animation.

And I couldn't help but think, "She looks like an end level boss from DOOM." Is it just me? These ultrasound pictures are somehow profoundly creepy. I could easily imagine something looking like that howling and throwing gigantic missiles at me.

Comment VMware is the ticket (Score 1) 313

Really, it does what you're looking for. Here's an example.

I have an old scanner and recently moved to Windows 7. No driver available. I'm hosed, right? Have to buy a new scanner. Or find technical docs, the DDK and write my own driver (painful, time consuming, and awful).

VMware to the rescue!

Make a Windows XP virtual machine, load XP scanner driver into it. Connect scanner, use VMware Player to move the USB device to my VM. Bingo! Works like a charm.

Unless your program is very exotic requiring access to something VMware doesn't emulate, like the PCI bus or some such, you should be good to go. And if your program does bang around on non-emulated hardware you really need to consider just using the OS it was created for. Get a legacy system to run it. And use VNC to get to your desktop on your shiny new x64 system.

Comment Re:One small problem with that (Score 1) 1163

It's something Republicans like. I had the concept explained to me once. Something about how there are a lot of social programs designed to help people, but some are less effective than the others. Those are the ones you cut so you can replace them with ones that work better. At least I believe that's the gist.

I picked that one because it's a Republican idea I don't mind.

Comment One small problem with that (Score 1) 1163

Pick someone with a tax plan that adds up, low spending, little war-lust, and who understands what a disaster the "personhood" amendment would be, and then you'll have a race.

Someone like that would be branded a screaming liberal by the Tea Partiers and Fox News - and never get the nomination. You need to start your cure a few paces back from that position.

Clean your house.

Ditch the Fox news. Dump the Tea Party. Stop allowing these fundamentalists to tell you what's what. Take your party back. Push for your values (the good ones) like small government. No political party that wants to criminalize abortions can possibly with a straight face tell you that they are for small government.

Stop talking about rape. Just stop it.

Embrace diversity. There is more to the world than 50-something Caucasian southern Baptists. You want to win? Start by representing America, not just your favorite part of it. And by that I don't mean "fake it to get votes", I mean tell the other half of America how you can change the world for the better for them.

And pick better role models. Bill O'Reilly, Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, and Rush Limbaugh are all morons. Sorry, but they are. And we've got Neil deGrasse Tyson, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, and Bill Maher. Find some intelligent people for your side. Start with Colin Powell and build from there. Ditch the ones you've got. They're not helping.

Stop with the anti-intellectualism. Science is real. It's why we can read this on the internet. If you had to pick a single reason why the Republicans lost, I feel it is best contained in this graphic. That's your problem in a nutshell right there. Fix that.

Fix your house, dust yourselves off, and come back as someone we can respect and even occasionally admire (which hasn't been since Reagan), and then you guys will see some results.

Comment Two things (Score 1) 378

1) Why should I have to download plugins just to get something working as well as it was before they "upgraded" it? And how exactly is a person on day one of the new interface supposed to know that?

2) And yes, apparently there are ways to get the new interface working. Plugins, middle clicks, Ctrl T. You know what? I didn't spend enough time using it to find out. I just clicked the icon and it didn't give me a second terminal (like it should) and said "you know what, this sucks". Who wants to waste time learning some dippy new interface? Especially when you've got work to do and really, that's all you want to do - get your work done.

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