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Comment Specs seem a little weaker (Score 1) 133

Apart from the display, the specs seems bit weaker on the Dell - the Macbook Pro has more storage capacity, and a faster processor even in the base configuration.

Also the Macbook Pro 15" now has the ForceTouch track pad, which will be more useful over time (and Apple makes excellent trackpads anyway, Force Touch or not).

I have a Macbook Pro 15" Retina currently, that I use in non-scaled mode (so I get 1:1 use of the pixels). I'm not really sure how much better the higher resolution would look on that small a display.

Comment Re:This isn't a question (Score 1) 623

There are exactly 0 valid reasons why gay couples shouldn't be allowed to get married, that's it, zero reasons, as in absolutely none.

I happened to be in Ireland the day before the vote and asked several of the No campaigners why they thought gay marriage should be banned. They ranged from adoption scenarios that already existed, a weird insistence that equality meant two things were IDENTICAL making gay marriage a contradiction, and the innovative approach of comparing gay marriage to global warming (because even though no one has had any problems so far that doesn't mean things won't go bad in the future for unknown reasons).

In short every argument was absolutely terrible and I had an absolute blast listening to them.

Comment Not bad at all (Score 4, Insightful) 122

I was a backer. Were you? Or do you feel compelling to complain on behalf of other people?

I got the main thing I backed it for - a dev kit.

Facebook buying them means an investment in learning to program for the Rift is probably 1000x more useful than it would have been otherwise.

I understand people are wary of Facebook, and for good reason. But I have seen huge upsides with pretty much no downside since Facebook bought the company.

Comment Re:but I thought 90fps was the thing (Score 1) 35

Sony's headset is meant to reproject frames before render as needed to convert 60+FPS into steady 120FPS.

That seems fine as far as display goes, but part of that requirement for 90+FPS is that head-tracking is congruent... if "real" tracking only is happening at 60FPS, will the faster display framerate really matter as far as people feeling sick after a while (or in some cases instantly...)

Comment More than PR (Score 5, Insightful) 385

The question is, would he have done this even if not running for president?

The answer is obviously yes, based on past behavior. Rand Paul has been one of the few people willing to go on record voting against things he does not agree with, instead of not voting at all.

So while of course some element of it is PR, that is not the core reason as to why he did this.

Comment Re:anti-terorism experts or idiots (Score 1) 214

The article labels them "anti-terrorism experts" but the mere fact that they even considered this long enough for there to have been a written record belies that title and proves instead that they are "anti-terrorism idiots".

They were idiots if they acted on those suspicions and started spying on Comic Con or individual geeks, but to have never researched them at all would have been stupider by far.

Geeks are a major cultural force and a lot of those shows have their own utopian ideology mixed in, the 20th century is basically a story of different ideologies fighting it out, Democracy, Communism, Fascism, etc. Almost certainly nothing sinister would ever emerge from Trekkies, but when you have a national law enforcement agency those threats that almost certainly won't happen can be worth checking out.

Comment RTFA (Score 1) 116

The article has a picture of the CURRENTLY WORKING drone. It doesn't have large tanks of anything, it has two small tubes of hydrogen.

I think you have greatly miscalculated the pressures needed by this system. It's not storing pounds of the stuff, just 4oz or so across two fairly large tubes...

Comment I laid out the facts, horse will not drink (Score 0) 102

I did - the facts are that the Clinton foundation claims to be a charity, but uses almost none of the money collected for charity. The facts are that the foundation gained a huge boost in donations from people while Clinton was in the state department, from people/governments who had matters being decided by the state department...

If you want to ignore the facts, fine. Just don't claim to be for them at the same time.

Comment "Limited" defined (Score 2, Insightful) 102

Sure, if by "never contacted" you mean "given lots of money, along with other people on the panel, to vote a specific way".

Are you really so naive? You don't even have to dislike the clintons to understand the fundamental flow of money involved here and just how easy it is for that to have an effect on the results.

It's also stupid on the face of things to claim Clinton had no influence when donations to her charity fell drastically after she left the state dept... You don't need a tinfoil hat to pick up the subtle single there.

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