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Comment What's up with the DOJ? (Score 3, Informative) 536

The DOJ sure is responsible for a lot of recent crazy stories lately:

They're the department that bought the $16 muffins. link

They claim that Willie Nelson's song The Gambler is proof that online poker is illegal (yes, you read that right).link

And now a ToS violation is a crime.

Maybe the DOJ needs to be brought to justice.

Google Makes Its Search System Slightly More Transparent 50

Meshach writes "The New York Times has an interesting article about how Google has revealed some of the inner workings of the Google Search service. The main change is that sites that are not in English will be translated then included in the search results. Google said it has also improved the way it recognizes official Web sites, like those published by the government, and will give those sites higher ranking in search results. Google does not usually reveal such details but the article speculates governments have been pushing for more transparancy."

Comment Fractions (Score 4, Funny) 258

If he wanted to steal from the bank, here's a better, technical solution:

Every time there's a bank transaction where interest is computed, you know, thousands a day? The computer ends up with these fractions of a cent, which it usually rounds off. Just take those little remainders and put them into an account.

There were a couple movies where this was done and it worked brilliantly.

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