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Comment Re:Depends (Score 1) 184

And this is an excellent sample of how FOSS people alienate other people.

a) Person a says "i like commercial SW a"

b) Person a says "but i figured out that ultra-mature (>20y) FOSS b (which is nearly compatible to a) is even better for some things"

c) Person b says "use project c" (which is immature and incompatible)

Comment Depends (Score 3, Interesting) 184

I use matlab. I like matlab. It's not the matter if its expensive (which it is) or not.

The point is: There have been applicaitions (more than one) in my past, where octave (a free matlab clone) served me much better, plainly for the reason that i could actually recompile it or adapt it in a way that it ran exactly like i wanted it to run. usually these "unusual" circumstance involved running it on limited HW, automatically, with limited memory, many instances, or independent of a nework connection to the license activation.

Comment Wow. The linked thread... (Score 1) 338

is the reason why you should not let constructive users interact with ignorant technical guys.

What is so hard about actually believing to a user that if he repots something, it may be important to him (in this case chromium/flash), for reasosn which you or he may or not like, but thich are probably there.

If you dont like something, act non-constructive and get ideological.

Comment Re:Perspective from a chemist (Score 2) 188

I agree; i am a quantum physicist. The paper goes seomwhere between effortless phenemenological observation, overgeneralizations and claims which are so remarkably undefined (like that biomolecules are neither insulator nor metals - thanks) hat it not clear which theoretical hypothesis they are going to make here.

The really impoertan question is: can i use their theoretical observation to predict parameters of molecules at some places? Can they actually reduce the number of variables needes to describe a problem? Is there any testable prediction or unexplained mechanism?

Comment Idiots. (Score 2) 217

* Really: they had a "team happiness person"?
* Featuritis: Why not start with a single sensor (if possible itegrated in the basic product), but try to develop everything once
* Idiotic presumptions everywhere like asssuming that the non-availability of a specifi part for V1 is best cured by a completely revised V2. Or that the resolution of the display matters
* Senseless Perfectionism: Hoho, the company they hired was "not able to use github". Yes, then take the source and put it there yourself (no need to delay, and no excuse for delivering late)
* Lack of a preexisting SW concept (they really had to have a running prototype where a backer looked at the source to tell them that the MC could be put to low-power mode. (If you select a MC, the first thing you do should be to determing if the state transitions between the sleep modes support what you want to do *on the high level*)
* Complete lack of technical understanding about MCs (they complained that thet had no "arduino expert"). MCs are great tools. You dont select the MCs by the SW you have, or by how conevnient and popular they are in the "maker" circles. You select them by the IOs they have, and by the power consumption. For most things you actually dont end up with anything close to an arnduino (e.g. for low power: look at the MSP430, for raw IO features: look at the M16C series)
* A broken assumtion from the very start: That this needs to be modular. I am pretty convinced that (lets exclude the laser module) most of the sensors could have been integrated right away, for less money than the box you put them in.

That being said, this should have been a 2-4 man project for 6 months, with focus on solving the technical problems first. A more or less working prototype electronics design (2man months for the most important sensors) should have been done before promising anything on Kickstarter.

Comment Re:Sulfur (Score 1) 122

I mean i am tempted to see all of this as a contemporary art form - sueing for things which are somehow contradictory to another position of you. The dichtomy of the modern lawer-consulted brain repeating the same patterns (sueing) without context, over and over again has something of a provocation which could have come from Beuys.....

Comment Re:Krebs (Score 2) 230

As a user you are not supposed to make sensible input to the support hotline. Also the head of the local branch is a user.

IT departments in banks are behemoths, never changing course. They can't react quickly. A mess of different never integrated systems which were kept over decades, "tailored" solutions by consultants with too little a time budget in the projects, and department heads for whom the internet is a new technology create an impenetratable mess where even the support doen not know whom to turn to.

Comment Re:The solution (Score 1) 324

The difference is that if NSA manipulates all hardrives, that would be easier to spot. I know that some organizations actually check the firmaware of devices before they use these.

By the non-buy list of the

If they do do what they did up to now (namely patching some high-profile targets) it wil ltake years before it is discovered and analyzed.

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