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Comment Re:The guy is full of himself (Score 5, Insightful) 147

I agree. His fascination on cramming everything into the smallest space has left us with Macs that are not worth upgrading. It blows.

His touches on the UI are like cancer since he applies principles from designing hardware shapes (Industrial Design) to UI design and THEY DO NOT FUCKING APPLY THERE. Minimalist UI is bullshit. Context matters. You wan to eyebell the UI and understand what each part can do without having to interact with it.

If text looks just like a button, then you can't tell the difference between an item you can interact with and a static design element that you can't click or tap on. This confuses the user. This creates crappy and confusing UI.

I remember looking in Xcode for the longest time for an option in the far right panel. It just wasn't there. Well, his dumbass design principles replaced the arrow that shows the items can expand next to the text with NOTHING. I had no idea that the item was expandable because the visual cue that it was expandable was removed. I wasted 1/2 a hour on this and I'm not the only one who has.

I could go on, but there are so many cases of this now in the UI. It sucks.

And all the motion in the UI? We are wired to divert our attention to things that move or dart. It happens before we think. Every time an item darts or jumps or bumps, it's a distraction that pulls out attention to that item and away from the task we wanted to accomplish. The UI becomes an ADD machine. It's terrible.

All this thanks to Jony Ive. I say no thanks. When not in the office, I use Snow Leopard (10.6.8) because it's simply so much more usable a UI.

Comment Jesus Christ. (Score 3, Insightful) 147

Ever since he's gotten his "design direction" on the Mac OS and iOS, their design have gone to shit.

Everything's animated whether it needs to be or not and you can't turn it off. Everything is ultra skinny and harsh blue on glaring white. Common standards of "don't make the user guess what's functional in the UI and what's not" have been thrown away and the UI of the Mac OS has become a distraction machine that gets in the way of the user. Too much darty motion is ADD fodder as it innately draws your attention to the little darty thing as opposed to keeping your attention on the task at hand that you are trying to accomplish.

I don't want animations that get in the way of me doing my task, or ones that pull for my attention. I want a goo d looking, non distracting UI that lets me do my job, not one with crap sliding all over the place and with hideous colors.

Ugh. This is crappy crappy news for the Mac. But then, we already have too much animated crap in the UI.

Submission + - Gravitational anomalies beneath mountains point to isostasy of Earth's crust

StartsWithABang writes: Imagine you wanted to know what your acceleration was anywhere on Earth; imagine that simply saying “9.81 m/s^2" wasn’t good enough. What would you need to account for? Sure, there are the obvious things: the Earth’s rotation and its various altitudes and different points. Surely, the farther away you are from Earth’s center, the less your acceleration’s going to be. But what might come as a surprise is that if you went up to the peak of the highest mountains, not only would the acceleration due to gravity be its lowest, but there’d also be less mass beneath your feet than at any other location.

Submission + - Are We Entering A "Golden Age Of Quantum Computing Research"? (

Lashdots writes: Last month, an elite team at IBM Research team announced an advance in quantum computing: it had built a four-qubit square lattice of superconducting qubits, roughly one-quarter-inch square, that was capable of detecting and measuring the two types of quantum computing errors (bit-flip and phase-flip). Previously, it was only possible to address one type of quantum error or the other. The next step is to correct quantum errors.

In a blog post, Mark Ritter, who oversees scientists and engineers at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Laboratory, wrote: "I believe we’re entering what will come to be seen as the golden age of quantum computing research." His team, he said, is "on the forefront of efforts to create the first true quantum computer." But what would that mean, and what other big next steps are there?

Submission + - Octopus-inspired robot arm to revolutionise surgery (

An anonymous reader writes: A robotic arm, designed to bend and contract like an octopus’ tentacle, has been created by scientists at an Italian university to support surgical procedures in compact areas of the body. The remote-controlled machine can extend and become soft or rigid depending on the surgical environment to enable a minimally-invasive operation. The prototype arm can squeeze between soft tissue and organs, holding them apart gently if necessary. A miniature surgical tool-kit is installed at the tip of the arm which carries out the surgery. The machine has been tested using water-filled balloons at different weights to represent abdominal organs, one of the most cramped environments in the body.Research departments in the U.S. including Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are also exploring ‘soft robotics’ which replicate the movement of octopus tentacles, elephant trunks and snakes. Scientists hope that the technology will be able to provide assistance in complicated or delicate cases – such as rescuing bodies from crushed cars or from beneath rubble.

Submission + - Scientists have paper on gender bias rejected because they're both women ( writes: A paper co-authored by researcher fellow Dr. Fiona Ingleby and evolutionary biologist Dr. Megan Head — on how gender differences affect the experiences that PhD students have when moving into post-doctoral work — was rejected by peer-reviewed PLoS One journal because they didn’t ask a man for help.

A (male) peer reviewer for the journal suggested that the scientists find male co-authors, to prevent “ideologically biased assumptions.” The same reviewer also provided his own ironically biased advice, when explaining that women may have fewer articles published because men's papers "are indeed of a better quality, on average", "just as, on average, male doctoral students can probably run a mile race a bit faster".

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