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Comment Re:Only a Fraction? (Score 1) 197

You are giving a super sketchy gambling company the benefit of the doubt here? I wouldn't be surprised if their PR people are specifically told to use the word fraction because of the implied double meaning but protective legal veil that it might provide. And everyone knows that this is how pay for play apps work. You aim for mass distribution and hope you get even just three or four suckers like the saps here spending $150k on the app. This is no secret. Between 2 and 20 million people in the US alone have gambling habits or tendencies. You get a few hundred thousand players, you're going to capture a "fraction" of serious gambling problems. It's slimy as hell.

Comment Re:No more privacy (Score 1) 111

Against it here and believe you should be too. Unintended consequences are indeed a law like the law of gravity. Going to happen, going to be bad. It's not the only problem - it's the problem and it's significant enough that it warrants noting giving this stuff a meh, shoulder shrug, figure it out later kind of attitude. Be against it.

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