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Comment Feh. (Score 1) 267

Look. A 4 year old HP has awesome battery life with an I5. Cook does not have a big picture view of the market or product demand, which is easily seen in all product design decisions seen after Jobs' death. Investing in ARM development is not a sound investment, but they can probably weather the loss.

Server Runs Continuously For 24 Years (computerworld.com) 137

In 1993 a Stratus server was booted up by an IT application architect -- and it's still running. An anonymous reader writes: "It never shut down on its own because of a fault it couldn't handle," says Phil Hogan, who's maintained the server for 24 years. That's what happens when you include redundant components. "Over the years, disk drives, power supplies and some other components have been replaced but Hogan estimates that close to 80% of the system is original," according to Computerworld.
There's no service contract -- he maintains the server with third-party vendors rather than going back to the manufacturer, who says they "probably" still have the parts in stock. And while he believes the server's proprietary operating system hasn't been updated in 15 years, Hogan says "It's been extremely stable."

The server will finally be retired in April, and while the manufacturer says there's some more Stratus servers that have been running for at least 20 years -- this one seems to be the oldest.

Comment Go outside... (Score 0, Flamebait) 300

get out of your damn distortion lens Apple. Everything you've made since Jobs died is second or third tier at best. You don't know what the hell you're doing. Your workstation makes no sense. The 2012 pro is superior to the trashcan in most ways that matter. The laptops are a waste of my time, sacrifice a ton of usability in ports and add a marginally useful touchbar? Seriously? You're supposed to actually do some research before replacing shit that people are still using, I have no desire to have a rats nest of cables to connect my shit together.

Comment Well... (Score 4, Interesting) 225

The only reason I think that Japan would have done it, is if they think that the current coup to put Hillary in power by flooding the news with propaganda about "Russian hacking" will definitely succeed, which will result in Hillary signing the TTP into law. I would rather not actually see this happen, considering how horrible the law actually is (Personally I don't like the idea of it killing the Dojinshi industry, not to mention the US jobs and jobs of whatever other modern country joins in). This was more likely a leak than a hack, considering the suspicious death of Seth Rich.

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