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Comment Re:...goes to show... (Score 2) 39

Dear Gothmolly,

Thanks for your insightful comments. Although Red Hat, Inc. is actually a $billion+ dollar multi-national corporation, management and the legions of technical staff we employ (totalling thousands of hours of combined expertise in a multitude of fields) had actually forgotten what we are, and the opinion of some fuckwith on Slashdot is exactly what we needed to get ourselves back on track.

Sincerest thanks,

Red Hat, Inc.

Say that to Microsoft and its Metro interface. ;-)

Comment I don't need it. (Score 1) 826

I'm responsible for a bunch of servers now.

One of them has a uptime of 660 days. Other, 120 or about it. My server with the lower uptime has 35 days - it has 37 days of life, by the way.

I'm not slightly interested on the booting speed of these machines - my main concern is the speed of the diagnostic procedures I need to carry on when something goes wrong.

God saves the runlevel 1.

Comment Re:What was wrong with OpenRC? (Score 1) 826

The question is what was wrong with OpenRC?
It's flexible enough to do just about all the useful tasks that sysV and that systemd does.

We really don't want a kernel in user space unless you want Linux to become infected with the finder syndrome of MacOSX.

That's the problem: it's too damn flexible, it's too damn practical, it's too damn EASY to maintain. How in hell a big enterprise will be able to profit on such environment?

Corporations need hard to maintain, almost impossible to learn systems deployd on their customer's machines in order to keep them under their grasp.

It's what is happening with systemd? I don't know. But I know the past, and this is the path that Microsoft, Oracle et all choose to follow - and this was not by accident.

Comment Re:Fk proprietary consoles. (Score 1) 97

I wrote a tool back in the day that would boot anybody off any Quake 1 server (except CMU guys off CMU servers - they actually knew how to protect their networks). It was great!

So it was you? Bastard! :-)

Jokes aside, we setup our own server - you would have to portscan half the Internet in order to find our server to DDoS us. :-)

Setting your own game server is Quake 1's most missed feature to me, the rocket jump being the second! :-D

Comment Re:The problem, as always... (Score 2) 329

We need to work on ways to improve our self confidence and the rest will follow.

Why do you *NEED*?

Why the statistical spread of man and womans *NEED* to be equal on the various fields of human knowledge and/or work?

EVerybody must, or at least, should, be able to choose whatever he/she wants - if she/he is able to do so. What I don't get is the use of the verb "NEED".

Why wornens *NEED* to work on I.T.?

Comment Re:Should of never got rid of other OS and outsorc (Score 1) 97

Script kiddies attacking PSN doesn't affect Sony as much as it affects the users that play online or pay for the service.

If they manage to repeat the deed next week, you can bet you gamepad it will affect Sony.

Mainly because I don't see MSN Live players complaining about loss of service, do you? XBox owners don't have any reason to fear losing next weekend services, while PSN users will live the week worrying about.

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