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Comment Re:Efficiency??? (Score 1) 103

Not having to replace clutch plates, for example, might be a nice and relatively easily doable thing.

Probably not worth it. A properly functioning clutch should have minimal parasitic loss from friction when engaged, so the only thing you're saving is the cost of replacing the clutch. Since clutches are usually easy to replace and relatively cheap, especially compared to the cost of something like this, it's probably throwing money away.

Comment Yes we will. (Score 1) 454

1) The analogy doesn't fit. That horses were argued to be more reliable is not at all relevant to whether or not people wanted to own some form of transportation. They did, and they continued to even after the automobile supplanted the horse.

2) Most cars are used and sit idle during the same parts of the day for a large portion of the population, so sharing wouldn't substantially reduce the number of vehicles in use, and without reducing the number of vehicles in use (getting more rides per vehicle) you're not going to lower the cost per trip, which reduces the incentive to share.

3) Most people would prefer not to sit in other people's filth (but, ironically, many are fine sitting in their own filth). Regardless of any logical inconsistency, the "ick factor" will weigh heavily in any determination of whether to rent or own.

Comment Only half of the problem (Score 0) 212

The other half is less use of URLs to pass parameters and query strings, where less is as close to zero as possible.

And while this will certainly reduce sniffing, it won't reduce "metadata" collection at all, and it won't eliminate the need for endpoint security -- if anything, it will increase it.

Also, why on God's green earth isn't Slashdot using https yet??

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