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Comment Re:Stuff you simply can't put in a car (Score 2) 216

Thus does the repblic fall, and the center of empire move on to the outskirts, where the roads of trade remain open, and the old empire does little other than impede trade. Hail China.

Doesn't matter how well-reasoned (or well-memed) the impedance is. Just that it be a burden. The latest in a death of a (hundred) thousand cuts.

Now downmod me, as censorship driven by outrage, caused by that meme in your head, is part of the meme's meechanical method of operation, of which you are literally a driven cog.

Kind of scary to see it that way, isn't it? The meme has fingers reaching into your outrage center, by way of which it induces you to behave in ways that protect it, and its spread.

Comment Re:Let's forgive Dish and move on (Score 1) 247

I wouldn't worry about Dish even in the worst case scenarion. Here's how it would go down:

FCC: You violated Do Not Call 57 million times. Times $16,000 per, that's, lessee...

Dish: I can't afford that! I guess we're bamkrupt. :(

FCC: Ohwell, sux 2 B U!

FCC: No, sux to be you!

FCC: Whaaaaaaa???

AFCC: Yes, when assigning spectrum, we promised Congress there would always be at least two satellite cable networks.

FCC: Rats!

Dish: Ha ha!

FCC: Yeah, ha ha!

Comment Well, the king wouldn't abuse it, so... (Score 2) 290

10 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled, in the case of IR devices, that, although they were passively observing, government needed to get a warrant to use them. Technological adgancements shall not obviate expected constitutional protections. People expect privacy and advances that did not exist then cannot take advantage of loopholes like that.

So, I hope these people are getting warrants, or I expect to see hundreds of law enforcement officials going to jail.

By the way, as people move more and more of their lives into virtual, online arenas, they take with them the same expectation of privacy. The Supreme Court should similarly require warrants for all that, too, closing the loophole that, since it's at some coompany, "you have no expectation of privacy."

People create this virtual presence for their own convenience, not so government can have a virtual warrantless panopticon.

Comment Re:Something I used to to (Score 1) 348

It's the long periods of inactivity that are the problem, not cardiovascular health.

There was a related study several years earlier that suggested people in good shape who went home and plunked down on the sofa for 6 hours suffered as much as couch potatos.

So break that time up and that's the goal.

Comment Re:Hang on WTF? (Score 2) 191

There ws a study a few years back. The top programmers were 4x as productive as the average one, and there were things the top programmers could do the average ones couldn't, no matter how much time they were given.

How much more so for intricate details of physics and other research of the physical that takes years rather than minutes of turnaround time.

There's a feeling among the historically illiterate that technological advancement happens "more or less aitomatically". Yet a quick glance around the world shows government policy affects this immensely, and often negatively by getting in the way.

Comment Re:you can't print 3D books! (Score 0) 98

Launch all lobbyiests! Construction jobs must be protected. Engage safety argument memes!

Oh oh.

Oh oh:

In total, 80 percent less labor is needed, meaning more affordable construction, and less risk of injury to contractors.

They are way ahead of you on the masses manipulation meme serverville.

Comment Re:What does it mean? (Score 0) 160

Good. There needs to be more of this. Otherwise just spit ot the meme "they need exclusivity to make it work", get the True Believers to bite, exchange "communication" in private...4. ????...5. Profit!

Old as the hills and the core purpose of seeking power.

I'm going to ask a question and risk downmod: I wonder how many saying, "Right on!" over that are bent out of shape over laws forbidding another competitor who doesn't have to play by the rules: local government, a "company" with the power to tax, and make you pay for the service whether you want it or not.

Let's see, shall we?

Comment Re:Requirement to have compromised device (Score 3, Interesting) 55

And it's just "currently". Breaking into unjailbroken phones or taking advantage of bugs is the main game already.

Interesting this -- they alter an audio such that it's Apple-encrypted path to the Siri server can be analyzed to extrace the hidden data without decrypting the stream.

I often wondered about a similar thing, if a server could pulse data it sends encrypted, which would allow tracking through any layers of encryption. Say goodbye to tor & friends. You'd uave to add random delay to data at each node.


Researchers Use Siri To Steal Data From iPhones 55

wiredmikey writes "Using Apple's voice-activated Siri function, security researchers have managed to steal sensitive information from iOS smartphones in a stealthy manner. Luca Caviglione of the National Research Council of Italy and Wojciech Mazurczy of the Warsaw University of Technology warn that malicious actors could use Siri for stealthy data exfiltration by using a method that's based on steganography, the practice of hiding information. Dubbed "iStegSiri" by the researchers, the attack can be effective because it doesn't require the installation of additional software components and it doesn't need the device's alteration. On the other hand, it only works on jailbroken devices and attackers somehow need to be able to intercept the modified Siri traffic. The attack method involves controlling the "shape" of this traffic to embed sensitive data from the device. This covert channel could be used to send credit card numbers, Apple IDs, passwords, and other sensitive information from the phone to the criminal mastermind, researchers said in their paper.

Comment Re:Tony Blair quoting Churchill quoting Verne (Score 1) 77

War has long been shown to be the periods in history with the fastest technological development. Goveernment borrows to ensure its own survival in ways it doesn't need to in peace.

However, the current era had economists wondering, with per-capita spending on par with WWII, yet in relative peace, why aren't we in a similar period? Or, if a real war started, where is the money to borrow to come from?

Those periods are not sustainable becaise they are borrowing-based. The capitalism you disdain is unparalleled at generating the economic oomph to have them from time to time, and continue development at a pace almost as fast, sustained.

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