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Comment Re:I'm making those mistakes right now, myself. (Score 1) 189

I love Raph... but mostly I love to disagree with him. About so very much. That being said, his statements existing to disagree with are absolutely essential. If that makes sense. I love reading his work.

I'm working on a MMO - but this guy might not be. What I was posting about was basic level books on the field in general. I hope they prove helpful to him.

Comment I'm making those mistakes right now, myself. (Score 3, Interesting) 189

Well, I'm sort of in the same situation. Except that in my case, my friends and I decided to start our own company. We're building a MMO. No publishers.

We're not just out of college, we're veterans in a number of fields, and this is my point.
Education is transferable. If you know how to code, you can start in a good job, and move over later. Or, even better, do your own game. If it was art, I'd say, join a studio. But for coding? Sadly, you're replaceable. But you can replace them as well.

If you've got a good offer, go for it, but don't kill yourself. Go for the job, spend a year or two, and if you don't like it, move on, then come back as a more experienced person, and get back in higher in the food chain. Just out of college is a great time to try out something risky, that looks great on the resume.

But don't let them abuse you. Work hard, work well, but you are not a chew toy. The one thing most people right out of college miss, though, is that every project has to be finished and polished to be done. The stuff you do for class is under too tight a deadline to actually finish, you just get it working. This stuff, follow through on. Ask your boss about what I mean, if you get the job - knowing to ask that question can mark you as someone with a future.

I've had some good education from the following books:

Making Fun is a book about how a game is put together, the various jobs that exist and how they relate.

Interactive Entertainment is a book about the life cycle of a game, and the various fields of gaming that exist.

Level Up! is a book on game design. Once you know about what a game is, and how it's put together, this is pretty handy to dig style with.

They're all a little generic, but they're also solid starting points.

(For those curious about my personal project, it's a spiritual successor to City of Heroes. The MAN shut it down. Well, we can make our own game! With blackjack! And... forget the blackjack. With superheroes! And costumes! And all kinds of awesome stuff. And the best part is that in the ten years since CoH launched, the industry's come a long way - we can do all kinds of crazy stuff now.)
( www.missingworldsmedia.com if you're interested. )

Comment Missing, from the PC side. (Score 1) 183

Good lord. If there's one game out there that's art, it's Planescape: Torment. And it's not there. The pure depth and richness of this game, and the questions it asks about human nature and evil make it every bit the game equivalent of any literary work.

Hm. Neither is Continiuum, (Alpha Waves) which is both historically significant and the equivalent of a tone poem.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF_a6qMeWP8 (Alpha Waves)


Intel Unveils Next Gen Itanium Processor 169

MojoKid writes "This week, at ISSCC Intel unveiled its next-generation Itanium processor, codenamed Poulson. This new design is easily the most significant update to Itanium Intel has ever built and could upset the current balance of power at the highest-end of the server / mainframe market. It may also be the Itanium that fully redeems the brand name and sheds the last vestiges of negativity that have dogged the chip since it launched ten years ago. Poulson incorporates a number of advances in its record-breaking 3.1 Billion transistors. It's socket-compatible with the older Tukwila processors and offers up to eight cores and 54MB of on-die memory."

Comment Re:Cold weather (Score 1) 572

Thank you! "Engine having warmed up sufficiently" is what I wanted to know. It's not just 'oh, stopped, kill the engine'. I was mostly concerned with 'It's 6 degrees F, and I need to just sit real quietly and wait for five minutes while the ice melts and the car heats up' kind of issues.

Comment Ars has a better article... and this is big. (Score 1) 423


Forget Apple: Look at what this does to DMCA takedowns!

First up: DVDs! Previous exemptions have been carved out for college professors who might use film clips in class. But note the broad nature of the new rule--it applies to everyone. As long as you are making a documentary or noncommercial video, you're in.

The exemption only covers "short portions of motion pictures," since the Register was not convinced that longer portions would necessarily be fair use. And if there's some other way of getting the clips short of bypassing DRM, you should take it.

Comment Global Frequency was killed because it was leaked. (Score 1) 1115


Great comic, really, really good TV pilot, done by the guy who did Blue Beetle, and is now doing Leverage. (Written by Warren Ellis.)
According to the story, Warner was so pissed about the pilot being leaked, they killed the show. God knows why, to be honest.

Comment If only they were safe. (Score 3, Informative) 1051

The problem with this is, the advertisements themselves can not be trusted. Beyond the issue of the sound and animation, advertisements are a malware vector. I'm having a huge problem with 'Antispyware 2010' and its variants. One idiot claims he got his from Microsoft, because it says Microsoft on it. If they were less hazardous, I'd block them less. I turned off blocking for Project Wonderful and for Google's text ads, after all.

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