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Comment No (Score 1) 712

You get paid what someone else is willing to pay, no matter what your position is - unless your argument is the process by which the board settles on an offer is somehow corrupt, the CEOs of banks and tech companies get paid exactly the right amount.

Comment Is it just lack of the old sexy? (Score 1) 473

How much of this is just because flying isn't sexy any more? Even before 9/11 commercial flight transitioned from a luxury enjoyed by people with money to a Greyhound bus trip at altitude. People used to see pilots as, you know, dashing guys with an unusual skill, and these days they're seen as glorified bus drivers. Some of that has to rub off on general aviation.

Comment Re:It's more like a stunt to me (Score 5, Informative) 229

I work in a unionized environment. All wages are in contractual 'bands', every job is evaluated and placed in an appropriate band based on required skill, risk, shift, education, etc.

This means that, within the band, we all know each other's pay if we bother to look up a job classification and leaf through to the most recent contract's appendix.

We all seem to continue working without being at each other's throats.

Comment Re:Alternative currencies (Score 1) 245

What is more interesting here is that, while Norway obviously doesn't necessarily recognize a legal bucket a bitcoin can easily fit into, it's nevertheless viewing them as having some worth or profitability...

If you buy and sell anything the tax authorities will be waiting for their cut. They don't particularly care what it is.

Comment Re:How is Norway going to know? (Score 1) 245

I think it's harder and harder to avoid registering your car. There are automated license plate checkers now - a cop can drive down the street and have the system check for registration on every single car driving the other direction. I think they're used in some places in the US, though they're not widespread.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 216

I was referring to your knee-jerk reaction referring to "cell-phone cameras", not to the (lack of) desirability of carrying interesting payloads.

There was nothing knee-jerk about it. I'm tired of people spouting idiotic nonsense about magical sensor packages.

Of course, you don't carry satellite quality sensors on reconnaissance planes because reconnaissance planes are not satellites. They don't have to qualify for the environmental condition ranges peculiar to space operations, they don't even have to endure the kind of maintenance-free operation that is regularly required of space equipment. (And also, since they operate in the stratosphere, not in the exosphere, the design considerations for the same objectives are different - different focal lengths required, different speed of the imaging platform, different ways of coping with seeing and other atmospheric influences, etc., but I digress here, as this is not as much about equipment quality but rather about its purpose and design.)

When I say satellite quality sensors I"m talking about things like resolution and tracking. Obviously.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
