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FDA Wants To Release Millions of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Florida 265

MikeChino writes In an attempt to curb outbreaks of two devastating tropical diseases in the Florida Keys, the FDA is proposing the release of millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the area. Scientists have bred male mosquitoes with virus gene fragments, so when they mate with the females that bite and spread illness, their offspring will die. This can reduce the mosquito population dramatically, halting the spread of diseases like dengue fever.

Comment Re:Buggy and incomplete (Score 1) 204

This is par for the course for chess programs of that generation, though. I remember an old DOS chess program that would allow "castling" by just switching the king and rook, regardless of whether there were pieces between them. One Win 3.11 chess program I remember, was ridiculously easy to break if you used the take back a move function. Some sort of internal data structure wasn't properly cleaned if you did that, so the computer would start making illegal moves, randomly putting pieces on the board, etc.

Comment Re:World's most useless feature (Score 1) 93

If there's a specific piece of knowledge you want to get, reading the wiki is better. However, if you don't know much about the game and just want to learn as much as possible, watching it being played is far better. Sometimes videos are better even for specific knowledge (think for instance Super Meat Boy levels).

Comment Re:World's most useless feature (Score 1) 93

Well, one of the things I like to watch on twitch is Spelunky runs. Every run is different (random levels, don't you know), and the streamer interacts with chat in between levels (sometimes in the middle of levels, if they're reckless). They also have a "death roulette" function, so you can compete in guessing how the streamer will kick it, obviously that's one thing that won't work with prerecorded video.

Comment Re:Google Plus Defined Itself As a Hazard (Score 1) 210

Google was being pretty hard core about their real name policy on Google+, to the degree that people who Google determined had violated it ended up having their entire Google collection of services canceled.

No, pretty sure that's a myth. The one person I heard about who did get obliterated from all google services, turned out to be an artist who had deliberately tried to push the boundaries for what constitutes child porn or not. That's the sort of thing they do to avoid complicity in crimes, not what they do to push you to use their services.

Comment Re:Slashdot stance on #gamergate (Score 1) 693

Listen, words are just words, they can mean different things to different people.

But there are some people who have an individualist attitude to equality. They will say that if a Roma is disallowed from entering a store, that's wrong because people are entitled to be treated as individuals. Even if it's true that Roma on average shoplift like crazy, that particular Roma has a right to be judged as an individual, and unless you caught that particular person stealing you must treat them just like you would treat anyone. Because people can't help what ethnic group they were born into.

Then there are some people who say, no, the problem is that Roma are a historically disadvantaged group. They have been wronged in the past, they deserve our pity, therefore we should be nice to them. That's why discriminating against them is wrong. Some other groups are privileged, and those are totally OK to prejudge as a group. It is groups who are good or bad, Roma just happen to be a good group on account of their historic discrimination, that's all.

I am one of the first type. It is people thinking like the second that I label SJWs. See the problem with them? Note that I do not dispute that Roma have been wronged in the past, and are still wronged I don't even dispute that they deserve pity. But I insist that whether you pity them or not, you meet each and one of them as individuals.

An advantage of my viewpoint, is that if it turns out Roma do shoplift more than other people, that's not a problem for my conclusions. It does not change anything. Whereas SJWs are forced to strenuously deny or excuse anything that casts their supposedly oppressed group in a bad light, I can just say, "so?".

Actual bigots, like the Pegida folks marching in Europe right now, love the SJW logic. They love that it's groups that are good or bad, not people - because that gives them excuses to feel better than they are, and it gives them plenty of avenues to attack muslims, Roma, or whoever the main outgroup is today. It affirms their us-and-them world view. It leads inescapably to the conclusion that segregation is a good idea! And the racists love that conclusion! (and when SJWs demand that white 14-year olds don't get braids, or complain of appropriating culture, they are of course demanding segregation too).

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