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Comment Re:No, the cat does not "got my tongue". (Score 1) 100

It's a boss issue. Someone wrote a poor program, maybe in the 80s. Then the boss decided that instead of rewriting, their company's way of doing things should be the standard. They persuaded some other bosses of this. Now instead of an expense, you now have a "moat".

Comment Re:We need about ~10 million of these tidal kites (Score 1) 65

It's niche. Tidal energy can't offer much on a world scale but it might help some places. Like dams work on other places and wind on others.
It doesn't have to provide half the world energy in order to have uses. As long as people don't expect silver bullet solutions from it.

Comment The specific vs the general (Score 1) 272

People's positions on the Michael Mann trial are too much informed by their position on the general issue.
It appears Mann was not honest or rigorous in is work in his eagerness to prove the climate change emergency.

That does not mean there is no such emergency, but there is this instant polarisation that some defend him because they want to defend the general position and others make him representative for climate science and use the case to dismiss the results of climate scientists.
That's all there is to it really.

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