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Comment Corporate personhood (Score 0) 641

If a corporation can be a person, why can't a chimp?

Step 1: Create a corporation called Chimp Inc. and make its owner a chimp named Bonzo. (People can leave their fortunes to a pet cat, they should be able to leave controlling interest of a corporation to a chimp.)

Step 2: Once Bonzo the chimp has control of the Chimp Inc. corporation, have Chimp Inc. buy Bonzo the chimp.

Step 3: Bonzo is the sole owner of Chimp Inc.
  and the only property of Chimp Inc. is Bonzo.

Chimp Inc. is a legal corporate person.
Chimp Inc. = Bonzo the chimp.
Therefore Bonzo the chimp is a legal person.

Comment Re:Don't Strong Storms Eat Solar Panels? (Score 1) 735

There was an article earlier in the Times, before this one, that detailed how homes with existing Solar Panels did not have electricity after the storm because they were designed to feed directly into the grid,not store locally in batteries. This is a cheaper design. The houses usually still ran off the grid. The grid had to be powered down in places to prevent downed power lines from killing people and the Solar Panels had to stop feeding electricity into the grid to allow workers to repair lines. In order for people to go off the grid they would need to put in banks of batteries. People tend to put them in basements which would have been a bad idea in this case because in a lot of places the basements flooded. This proposal advocates changing the current default Solar installation to allow people to go off the grid when the grid goes down.

Comment Re:Silly waste of time. (Score 1) 686

Even though shows like Star Trek show Dyson spheres to be a solid objects, Dyson originally meant it to be more like a sphericle cloud of technology that surrounds a star. The cloud could be made up of hollowed out asteroids or spacestations or nano-bots. All of these would intercept the energy from the local sun.If some leaked through between two space stations someone else would build a space station further out and intercept the overflow. There might be a high probability of collision, but the cloud will not fall into the sun in one piece.

Comment Dulce and Dulse (Score 1) 109

He mentions that an aquaculture farm is letting him use their greenhouses. The name contains "Dulce" which made me think of "Dulse" a seaweed that people in Ireland eat. It is not only the Japanese and Koreans (and aparently the Hawaiins) who eat seaweed. I would guess Dulse is a cold water seaweed and unsuitable for a greenhouse in Austin Texas


Microsoft Reportedly Working On TV Service For Xbox 360 121

tekgoblin writes "It seems that Microsoft may be in talks with media companies to license TV shows and movies for a new streaming service. With the addition of ESPN to the Xbox 360 over Xbox Live, Microsoft may be in a position to do the same for different content providers and charge a subscription fee for them separately. The idea is to better personalize content and only pay for what you want to watch instead of paying cable companies for all the channels you don't watch. Microsoft is looking into duplicating what they have done with ESPN to include channels such as Showtime or HBO and possibly Disney."
Hardware Hacking

Combining Two Kinects To Make Better 3D Video 106

suraj.sun sends this quote from Engadget about improving the Kinect 3D video recordings we discussed recently: "[Oliver Kreylos is] blowing minds and demonstrating that two Kinects can be paired and their output meshed — one basically filling in the gaps of the other. He found that the two do create some interference, the dotted IR pattern of one causing some holes and blotches in the other, but when the two are combined they basically help each other out and the results are quite impressive."

Comment Measurement and Units wrong (Score 1) 277

I think they got the measurements and units wrong. The article says that the power would not be generated like a windmill but from a wire. Then it says that the wire would be relatively short and the sail impossibly huge. Chances are the article got it wrong and the reality is that a small sail would be used to tow out a long 5,000 mile spool of wire. As the solarwind particles cross over the wire it will create the electricity just like passing a wire through a magnetic field creates electricity. I would like to read the original source rather than this typical example of science journalism.


Robot Drawn Caricatures 29

ptresset writes "From Singularity Hub: 'Artists and programmers in the UK have decided to improve upon the male and female symbols outside many toilet facilities. They’ve developed a set of robotic arms that take pictures of people entering into a bathroom and then use that image to create a unique drawing to place outside the door. It then wipes away this art to make room for the next person’s caricature.'"

Govt To Bomb Guam With Frozen Mice To Kill Snakes 229

rhettb writes "In a spectacularly creative effort to rid Guam of the brown tree snake, an invasive species which has ravaged local wildlife and angered local residents, the US Department of Agriculture is planning to 'bomb' the island's rainforests with dead frozen mice laced with acetaminophen. While it might not seem difficult to purge an island of snakes, the snake's habit of dwelling high in the rainforest canopy has so far thwarted efforts to rid the island of the pest. Eradicating the snake is a priority because it triggers more than 100 power outages a year at a cost of $1-4 million and has driven at least 6 local bird species to extinction."
The Almighty Buck

ATMs That Dispense Gold Bars Coming To America 482

tetrahedrassface writes "As the US economic woes continue unabated, a German company is bringing gold-bearing ATMs to Mainstreet America. The machines accept credit cards, and will dispense 1 gram, 5 gram, 10 gram and 1 ounce units, as well as various gold coins. The company hopes to install 35 bullion machines in the United States this year, and will hopefully have several hundred up and running by next year. The machines will be decorated like giant gold ingots and be over two meters tall. Physical gold has both pros and cons, but from a safety standpoint would it be fine to have a couple of ounces in your pocket while walking around the mall? The giant, gold-dispensing ATMs will monitor the market conditions for gold every 10 minutes in order to reflect spot price changes as they occur." We already covered similar machines installed in travel hubs across Germany.

Selling Incandescent Light Bulbs As Heating Devices 557

Csiko writes "The European Union has banned by law trading of incandescent light bulbs due to their bad efficiency/ecology (most of the energy is transformed into heat). A company is now trying to bypass this restriction by offering their incandescent light bulb products as a heating device (article in German) instead of a light device. Still, their 'heat balls' give light as well as heating. So — every law can be bypassed if you have some creativity!"

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