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Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417

If you want to produce your own goods, purchase or grow your own raw materials, mix in your labour, and go for it. No one will shoot you.

(If you're limiting your concern to the bootstrapping question of how someone who has nothing can get something ... well, such people can do unskilled labour or rely on charity, -then- purchase those raw materials. This isn't rocket science, and it describes a vanishingly small fraction of the population.)

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417

"and either everyone works for you or starves or you will kill them ..."

You must feel very cautious every time you frequent a grocery store, taxi, computer company, landlord, bank, airport, even the guy who sells you underwear, if you think they're secretly planning to kill you if you don't purchase their goods.

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417

"You mean that every time a local community decides to foot the cost themselves ..."

That makes it sound so unanimous and wholesome. But 'course the way the "local community decides" really is to have a few representatives chosen by an occasional plurality of voters spend the involuntary taxes of everyone in the community.

Comment Re:Stop trying to win this politically (Score 1) 786

"Quote from the article " This is a classic ad hominem attack, consisting of innuendo and obfuscation, often focusing on irrelevant items, whose net effect is to direct attention away from the merits of an argument and instead to the character of the person making it. "

At least that's the way Mann phrases it (without providing citations as to what instance "this" he's referring to). His opponents would probably point at numerous criticisms of Mann's work, and of Mann's occasionally disgraceful behaviour, as reason to doubt Mann -- not his "character" in the abstract.

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