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Comment ROP & The Halting Problem (Score 2) 111

This sounds like Return Oriented Programming, used in some exploits to thwart countermeasures. But it is a long way from stitching together code to do trivial things all the way to making code which replicates, has a payload, AND can stitch together code to do all Of this. The Halting Problem makes me wonder if it is even theoretically possible.

Comment Homeopathy (Score 1) 239

> In one remarkable case, a participant in an antidepressant drug trial was given placebo tablets — and then swallowed 26 of them in a suicide attempt.

This reminds me of the James Randi talk on homeopathy: Part of the theory of homeopathy is that the more dilute the solution is the stronger it is. Randi told the hypothetical story of someone who forgot to take his "medicine" thus causing an overdose and DIED.

Comment Don't provide a "suppression list" of addresses! (Score 1) 134

Only provide a list of HASHES of email addresses you don't want to send to. And don't store a list of addresses to suppress yourself. Store a list of hashes. It is the only way to guarantee those people will never be emailed again. I've worked with companies who had emailing operations for their customers and on at least two occasions they accidentally emailed the "do not email" list. Had they been only storing hashes this would have been impossible.

Comment Re:It's a poor differentiator (Score 1) 301

A lot of spam comes from botnet'd boxes which were never intended to be sending mail. Those machines often do not have a reverse DNS configured because it did not matter and no mail should be coming from them. Spammers do not have control over the reverse DNS for these machines so filtering on reverse DNS is still a good way to add to the spam score of an email.

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