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Comment Re:Part of a bigger trend, sadly (Score 1) 88

Really very very simple. Pass a simple law that says no contract can invalidate your right to use - unless 1) both you and your lawyer has signed said contract - and each parties lawyer can have no connection whatsoever to the other party, their lawyer, etc and also 2) Said contract was negotiated by both parties, rather than designed by one party and the other was required to accept it as is.

Comment Core assumptions are wrong (Score 1) 235

First, he assumed that given x effort, you could find bu #1. That is a reasonable expectation, given the state of programming today. Bugs, while not infinite, are in fact so numerous so that the amount of time it takes to find them all exceeds the project life of software.

Then he assumed that given y effort you could then find bug #2. Again a reasonable assumption.

Third assumption, that x=y. This is FALSE. For that assumption to be true, then bugs are being found randomly, not by effort. The truth is x is ALWAYS less than y, because it takes skill and effort to find them.

Each successive bug is more and more difficult to find. However, it is an exponential chart. This means when just starting out, it APPEARS that x=y, but the further you go along, then Y starts being significantly greater than x.

This is a common problem, faced by mothers cleaning their house and by cops facing criminals. By the time they clean up one mess, a new one has popped up. But that does not mean you stop cleaning. Your efforts do mean something. The idea is to always be one step AHEAD of the mess, not behind it. That way you always end up with an acceptably dirty situation, rather than a virus infected/crime ridden area.

Comment That thing looks exactly like my Blackberry. (Score 1) 276

Sure my blackberry is a LITTLE bit larger. But it has the keyboard. And the tiny floppy disk looks a lot like the sim card we slip into the back.

This picture is in my opinion pretty darn CLOSE to what we really ended up having.

Oh, the styling is bad - the keyboard is unusable. But it looks reasonable, not stupid.

Comment ADVERTISING (Score 1) 163

There is a huge difference between a company that makes a good product and a company that is good at advertising.

Honestly that's the main reason why tech people need to get MBA's to run their business. It's not that hard to figure out how to manage and do back office stuff passably well. Oh sure, you might pay too much in taxes, but it's not that big a deal.

What is a big deal is the ability to get the word out - to tell people about your product.

Comment Like many of us, I am in tech. (Score 2) 287

And I can honestly say that for most tech jobs, we are more akin to a plumber or an electrician, than anything else.

Yes, if your company makes it's money making and selling software or hardware, SOME of the high end jobs are different. Similarly, the guys that make toilets have some high end jobs that are not blue collar workers.

But most of us don't write the big code. Instead we install, maintain and fix stuff that some idiot took a big dump in.

We are plumbers, not Management. Hell, we even hate the 'suits'.

For the majority of jobs, we don't need a BA. Honestly, my BA was in political science, not computer science. Yes, I took post-graduate classes, yes I taught myself. But NOTHING I learned from teachers at my university is essential to my job.

Comment Re:Tmux (Score 3, Informative) 136

Here it is in nicm@'s words:
"In particular, being able to share a single window between multiple terminals, with other windows in the same session but entirely separate. Adding this to screen was implausible"

Perhaps I am still misunderstanding the features of tmux (most likely in fact), but to say that is implausible to add to screen is misleading to say the least, since I have been doing exactly that in screen for nearly a decade.

On one terminal, either start a new screen session or -r to a detached session.
If starting a new one, try: screen -S LetsShare

On a second terminal, run: screen -list
You should see a list of screen sessions and their status (attached, detached, multi, etc)
If you used -S on start that will be the name, otherwise it's some string.

Now on that second terminal run: screen -x

Try to adjust both terminal sessions so you can see them at the same time. Type in either, watch in either. They are shared seemingly matching your tmux description.

You can change permissions per terminal so others can't type but will see everything you do (aka tutorial mode) using ^a *

Also for split/multiple windows showing on the same terminal, use ^a S (control-a capital-S)
To switch between split windows use ^a tab
Close a section of split window with ^a Q

The status bar problem is true and pretty annoying. I fixed it myself with a line in ~/.screenrc but of course I have to pretty much install that user config file on every new system I use which can get annoying.
If you want an always-on status bar showing window numbers and titles (^a A to change the title), add this to .screenrc (and hope slashdot doesn't munge it!)

hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= wk}%-Lw%{= BW}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw %-=%{= BW}%H%{-}%{-}"

Note the two "BW" bits? That's background blue and foreground white, and applies to the window with focus. Change B to R for red for example (production vs not-production in my case)

Here is my whole .screenrc file for copy/paste purposes:
No splash screen, always on status bar, 10k line scrollback history for copy/paste (^a [ and ^a ] ), and auto-open three windows with preset titles and commands running in them.

I don't mean to knock tmux in any way at all, having not used it (and I do plan to check it out now) - but hopefully these screen tips help out others here.

Comment Technology does not destroy jobs.. (Score 0) 581

Jobs are determined by us wanting to do things. I want a colony on another planet. Venus sounds good to me. It would be incredibly expensive, but we could theoretically do it. As long as man has ridiculous long term goals like this there will ALWAYS be work.

It also requires a stronger government than a low tech world - you don't need an airforce if you don't know how to fly. You don't need a navy if you don't know how to build ocean going ships. Technology is the real reason why government spending has been going up. The new sciences need government spending, not private spending.

As for the idea that coal miners can't learn to code, there is some truth to that. Technology requires people that can THINK, not just move. It requires a certain kind of thought as well. But people retire. And there are lots of people on the edge - that is not all coal miners lift a pick axe. Some of them run huge dump trucks and huge shovels. Some coal miners are safety wardens, looking for methane.

I guarantee you someone that knows how to drive the huge, dangerous mining equipment can also learn how to code. Safety wardens as well.

The best part about technology is that no matter how 'quick' the change appears, it actually takes decades. There are first implementers and holdouts. Combine that with some retirements and a transition can be accomplished smoothly - as long as idiots don't try to hold everything back until it is too late and change hits you like a tidal wave, instead of a slow tide coming in.

Comment Re:Great, just what we need (Score 1) 126

The cities are just as much to blame as the people you insult with your quotes.

Even just restricting it to graffiti, cities do stupid things like declaring chalk is graffiti - even though it washes away with rain - and arresting kids.

The artists don't destroy neighborhoods, the cities let them get destroyed so that they are incredibly ugly, refusing to clean them up. At least until some kid comes along and paints a wall that is falling down. Then finally the city comes in and white washes it. Simultaneously they leave the subway stations full of dirt and garbage, smelling of urine, being unwilling to whitewash them.

Comment Mathematics is a language, not a science (Score 2) 612

That is, I could just as easily write down:

E=M*(C cubed)

But that doesn't mean it is 'right'. The correct formula is E= M*(C squared) and it doesn't matter how many times I write any other formula.

As such, math can describe ANY internally consistent theory. (and even some internally inconsistent ones). It is only through practical testing that we can determine if the math is right.

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