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Comment arguments over the poles (Score 1) 291

Who owns the poles? More importantly, who MAINTAINS the poles? In a lot of areas you've got your local telecom but it's AT&T who is responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure. Verizon, Centurylink, TDS, etc might be your provider. That's great. Kudos to you for living in an area where they run things! When some drunk idiot or a storm knocks over the pole carrying your connection to your house/office, more often than not it's AT&T that your provider contacts to repair things. If they (AT&T) are responsible for maintaining the physical infrastructure that Google is leasing, they should some say in who uses their poles. Other ISP's/carriers do it so Google can to. C'mon Google. Put your big boy pants on and abide by the same rules that your competition follows.

Comment Re:11 Miles a shift? (Score 5, Interesting) 321

Having worked in a warehouse before, the physical toll of WALKING on a concrete industrial floor can be bad. My back, feet, and knees were in bad shape after about 9 months. You need to wear proper foot attire but most people working these jobs don't learn that until it's too late. Brand new athletic shoes were "flat" after 2 months yet they looked like they were in mint condition. There's a reason why they have the padded safety mats anywhere that people tend to stand in one place for hours on end. Look under the feet of your checker at your grocery store! I don't doubt the job is mindless and can be torture for someone who has independent thought but to say that someone is at risk of "increased mental illness" is garbage. The plight of the workers is nothing new. Amazon isn't treating their workers drastically different than other warehouse/shipping companies. They're just getting picked on because they're the biggest (like Apple getting attacked for the child labor at their suppliers). If we as a people want this situation to change, then we as a people need to stop clicking on "express shipping" and be patient.

Comment Re:please don't (Score 2) 183

I have full confidence in my fellow Americans to exercise their right to be an asshat at 30,000 feet. If people can't stay off the phone at the movie theater, what makes anyone think they'll be considerate of those that surround them in "cattle class" on planes?

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