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Comment Pure FUD (Score 1) 351

I'm sure _no one_ at Tesla has gotten someone "on the horn" and planned out their capacity for the next several years. Also of course production cannot be expanded at any battery plant or new plants built, because of the oh-so-precious resource that is lithium, one of the most abundant elements on earth, right behind Carbon and Chlorine.

Why is this trash on slashdot?

Comment Re:Let's compare the two (Score 2) 559

* Can you power a Tesla Model S with non-polluting renewable energy?
* Can you power a gasoline SUV with non-polluting renewable energy?

One should think about those two questions for a moment before saying that the Tesla pollutes more than an SUV.

I'm not going to let your facts get in the way of my insanity!

Comment Re:I call BS (Score 3, Insightful) 167

All true but I don't know why rebuttals have to be so complicated:

Broder didn't charge the car to full, charged it less at each charging opportunity, and didn't bother plugging in overnight, cold night or not. Then he hit the road when the car told him he would not make it.

No one that owns a smartphone can say what he did wasn't moronic or malicious.

Comment Really? (Score 1) 650

So where's the data that shows that rich people aren't left lane hogging road raging jackasses like most other people? How about the guy last week in a Z4 that almost caused an accident as he tried to cut me off in the left lane, the only reason being he thought I was going too fast. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but at least I have some form of evidence.

Comment Re:Lots of failures there. (Score 0) 297

Assembly failure - leave a rag.
Inspection failure - did not check for rag.
Pre-flight final inspection - still did not find the rag.

Wow, complete failure all the way down the line from assembly to mating with the launch vehicle.

You could say it's 3 failures - but it's not. What it is is that no single person really cares about this launch, it's just a jobs program for many many people. I see it happen everyday - fortunately we don't lose $2 billion dollar satellites, but the same principle applies.

If there was a Orville Wright or a Steve Jobs or even a Jeff Bezos in charge of this satellite, this wouldn't happen. Although this is easier said than done, I'm sure there are many dedicated people who would make it their life and death mission to make sure it succeeded - but they are held in check by everyone else participating in the "jobs program". I have no idea how to fix this, but it's a problem everywhere around the world.

Comment You don't (Score 1) 659

Clearly the technical stuff he will educate himself on, and ask for the things he needs in order to do so. The only thing you have to be concerned about is social skills, and having some semblance of normality in childhood.

Comment Re:Result of Truancy Laws (Score 1) 725

You cannot teach someone when they are not willing to learn. If a child doesn't want to learn they should be expelled from school and given working papers. Why punish those that are there to learn with disruptive people?

Just remember, "Childrens do learn"

Comment Re:I agree, *however* (Score 1) 476


could you please explain this to me a little more, as you would for, say, your wife (supposing she does not develop mac os' kernel extensions, too)? This is not a provocation, it's just the fact that for the first time in my life, the mouse movements felt "natural" were on a mac machine. I've been using mice since the 80s with a 256x192 screen (a msx: the mouse didn't even had the ball - the wheels touched the surface), and it always felt, don't know how to say, ackward. Windows feels strange to me, linux feels just weird. But OS/2 actually felt a little better.

So I would like to understand the question a little bit better, if possible.

Turn the "Tracking Speed" to the fastest possible. Now to try to use the mouse. You will notice the lower "step" does not change in speed, however when you cross the step boundary, the cursor starts flying (though still not that fast). the step boundary is arbitrary and not something a human can learn by muscle memory. In fact the most precise mouse users (gamers) usually turn off mouse acceleration so that they can have muscle memory for mouse vs screen locations. In the real world however some acceleration is good because you may be trying to pin-point 1-2 pixels, and at the same time want to be able to move the cursor to different parts of the screen without getting visual feedback because it's slow. You want to click a button, move the mouse and click without thinking - it should be natural.

Comment Re:I agree, *however* (Score 1) 476

So faster is better? Lower mouse sensitivity is for people who aren't distinguishing?
I can cross my 30" monitor without lifting the mouse (total of about 3" of movement), but it's fine enough for photoshop work. If I need to move the mouse that often, I'll use the command line instead.
I would say the onus is on you to explain why we're all idiots and your preferred mouse sensitivity/acceleration curve should be the default.

Yes actually it is, fast and precise. The default setting are for novices, and there are no possible settings that allow you to get *really good* at using it. Sure it's good enough for most people. Most people don't take high performance driving classes, they are content to treat their cars like appliances- but if they wanted to they *could* be really good at it. The same applies to a keyboard and mouse, however I repeat again, my gripe is that it never allows you to become proficient with it.

Currently I cross 1920 pixels in ~1 inch of mouse movement, that's at the highest DPI setting. I'd ideally like it to be less that 0.5", I see there's a 5000+ DPI logitech out now, I think I'm about to buy it.

The retina display is a retina display for *most people*. I like how my original post got marked as a troll even though I was backing Apple. LOL.

Comment Re:I agree, *however* (Score 3, Interesting) 476

Either that or he insists on using a third-party mouse with inadequate driver support for Mac OS X, so what he thinks is helping him is really causing his problem.

Actually my solution is to not use any third party fixes, to use the default (or lower) mouse sensitivity setting, and then use a logitech mouse which will by hardware switch have a huge input DPI. This minimized the acceleration "step" behavior while still allowing me to cross two monitors with a very small and precise mouse movement. This is opposed to the normal mac mouse and user which consists of - elbow move the mouse across the desk, pick it up and move it back, repeat several times.

Comment Re:I agree, *however* (Score 4, Informative) 476

No offense but you have issues. Either your integrity or your dexterity are in serious doubt.

I'm simply a more distinguishing user. Try the google search below. Note: I develop OSX kernel extensions and I'm writing this from the WWDC right now - Apple broke the API's all of the "fix" programs you will find below use to try and fix the acceleration curve.

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