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Comment Re:WTF over?! (Score 1) 131

You are right I am not the market they are catering to, but I did buy what I wanted. It took contacting 4 dealers before I could get my 4x4, as all of them wanted me to buy what was off the lot rather than order it.

I picked up a 2011 FJ Cruiser base package, manual transmission, a full set of dealers repair manuals, and a lap top adapter along with a copy of Techstream.

It does what I want it to do, when I want it to do it, and how I want it to do it. (Thanks Techstream) If I am going to make the payments then I actually expect the vehicle to be mine.

The only vehicle I would have liked to pick up from Ford was one of their international Ford Rangers, (Turbo diesel, quad cab, small pickups.), but unfortunately between all the gov't regulations and the very thin profit margin on bare bones vehicles, they don't want to sell them in the States.

Comment WTF over?! (Score 4, Insightful) 131

what the hell is wrong with a key? If that key is just too heavy for you to carry how about a key pad to unlock everything?

I don't need the fucking car to update facebook, check to see if I shaved, adjust all the settings, make sure I'm not drunk, or ask the real owner whether or not I can drive it, and then not work if there isn't a WiFi or cell signal present. (I'm sorry but you do not have permission to operate this vehicle as zombies are trying to break in.).

I want my car to be a car, I don't need an ever bigger fucking cell phone to complicate up my life, and not to mention charge me yet another monthly service fee, along with spying on me to send the info to the gov't and marketers.

Eat a bag of dicks Ford.

Comment Good choice Georgee. (Score 2) 98

George Lucas has selected Chicago over Los Angeles and San Francisco

Great Choice Georgee it fits with the theme.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

Poor Han he still won't be able to shoot first there either. Maybe you should have picked Florida instead, we have more reasonable gun laws down here.

Comment Re:old news from decades ago (Score 1) 199

Your statement is perfectly true.

Unfortunately, faulty compilers are more than just hypothetical. But besides that...

Even with a perfect compiler, the knowledge it takes to avoid these 'equal semantics' traps is beyond most experienced programmers (no matter how much our egos say otherwise.) But otherwise, I totally agree that most 'optimizer bugs' I've seen are just lack of understanding by the programmer. The compiler rightfully saw its solution as equivalent to what the source code stated.

I think there should be a rule of thumb: "Every year of programming experience gets you halfway closer to knowing all the gotchas"

So we can blame the programmer, but that isn't going to produce better code in the real world. The tools and languages need to meet with common expectations. If that means taking a more "secure by default" approach then so be it. The experts can choose to take off the training wheels with pragmas or additional compiler options.

Comment Re:old news from decades ago (Score 1) 199

I don't think any language is portable at that level, so you may as well use asm (my preference is linked instead of inline to ensure a clean and simple abstraction.) Every processor has different math status registers and different math instruction capabilities. I'm not sure how C can express these things.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 619

You think we'd have a lot of money if we didn't spend it on wars, imagine how much we would have if we didn't spend it on Welfare (corporate and social) which represents a MUCH larger number.

We could buy every working person a new fuel efficient car every year and repave all the interstates and still have money left over.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 490

Does gun control save lives in Mexico, Russia, or dozens of other places it is on the law books? Statistics do lie if you cherry pick the results you prefer. I'd promote gun control if I thought it had a strong correlation to reducing violence. But it doesn't, the results are lost in the statistical noise. I'd prefer to look at the issues of poverty, inequality, education, abuse, mental health, addiction, etc.

The USA is not and analogue to Canada, UK, or Australia. We have massive social problems more like a 3rd world country. We also like to make laws and then not follow them.

There may be innovative approaches to gun control, but simple bans, license, or registration are constantly ignored on the black market by criminals.

Comment Re:Cash and checks (Score 1) 117

I have to agree that the CC company makes a difference, Capital One has always been the one to tell me when something bad has happened. Slight inconvenience to me. Somebody besides me ate the cost (probably Capital One.) So obviously their business model is profitable enough to not really worry too much.

That being said, it is about F'ing time that retailers and CC companies make the investment into chip and pin systems. Not perfect, but would basically shut down most causal card skimmers. The one-time card numbers for online transactions are a good compromise, especially considering it might be difficult to get the card reading devices at the home-user level.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 519

I agree that many schools bend the rules for athletics, music, theater, chess club, whatever... But I've never seen how tenure stopped that injustice.

Hard teachers should be unpopular... good, effective teachers that help kids pass Regents, SAT, and AP tests are popular. If you live in a place that doesn't care about those things, then feel free to ignore this post.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 519

Exactly. A university professor may have some argument for tenure when doing controversial research. But even then, maybe that professor should shop around for a university that is more sympathetic. But in primary and high schools, the curriculum is usually predefined. The school should absolutely have the tools to retain and reward the most effective teachers.

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