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Comment Perspective (Score 1) 397

The weather prediction is about probabilities, not clairvoyance. It isn't incorrect simply because the actual weather is different from the expected.

And with the way workers are (on average) treated by their employers, is is really such a bad thing that some people had a day off?

Comment Re:They come that cheap? (Score 1) 181

But the 10 000 isn't for a specific purpose, and probably there will be no conclusive proof of corruption.

It's simply that people who agree with the donors are the ones who receive money, and only people receiving money have any realistic chance to participate.

In fact, almost all politicians are some combination of sincerely convinced of what they claim, too ignorant to understand what they claim, or simply mentally ill.

Which means a tiny bit more money isn't going to change their mind.

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
