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Comment Re:Palworld is 3d (Score 1) 101

This isn't a shame at all.

Plagiarism is plagiarism, regardless of whether there's AI involved, and this drives that point home. The tools you use don't have anything to do with it. You *can* plagiarize with AI, but just because it trained on something doesn't mean that everything the AI creates is plagiarizing that thing.

Thinking that everything AI does is plagiarism tracks extremely well with very fundamental misunderstandings about how it actually works.

Comment Re:There are two kinds of people in this world. (Score 1) 143


My wife works in a lymphoma ward at a hospital, and they have nearly as many patients now as there were during peak covid, and nobody wants to talk about it.

Now that you're feeling all smug, I want to point out that I'm just kidding, and they have the same fucking number of patients as the always did.

Comment Re:The FOOD insdustry is right (Score 4, Funny) 221

> Maybe if our government schools spend more time in health class on dietary requirements at different stages of life and food choices, and less time on nonsense like Tommy maybe Tammie and all the different places he could stick his female penis, we could get a handle on this.

Yes, I also blame trans people for bad food labeling.

Comment Re:NY Times not so objective (Score 1) 95

Don't play word games and make excuses for this crap.

Yes, everyone is biased, and that bias seeps into everything. That being said, there's a difference between making a good faith effort to counter your own bias, versus deliberately ignoring things so you can tell the story you feel like telling rather than present events as close as you can to what actually happened.

And I'm sure you'll say that it's just a matter of degree and where to you draw the line, but if someone's bias (even while making a good faith effort to avoid bias) is this egregious, they shouldn't be working in journalism.

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