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Comment Re:Stopping a billionaire's car (Score 1) 325

It's Finland that is indeed known for that and as a Finn, I don't consider it crazy at all - especially if you know how it works

If you are doing 180mph in a 60mph (sorry, I'm American - that's like 300 in a 100 kph ;) I totally agree with you, in fact put them in jail as that would be a much more effective deterrent than money. But if you are doing 45kph in a 35kph you should not be paying a 6 figure (in any currency) fine no matter your income, that's just idiotic.

Comment Re:Automation (Score 1) 325

Do you not think that the database would have those particular license plates listed so that no tickets would be issued?

No, of course they wouldn't. The whole point is that it's an off the record system, endorsed by the union and not the government. Once it's on the record there is a paper trail and instead of silly slashdot conspiracies you get federal indictments.

Comment Re:Stopping a billionaire's car (Score 1) 325

How can the ticket depend on income? How do they know how much you're making? Do they look at your tax return? What if you're a tourist from America or somewhere? They don't file tax returns with the Swedish government, so how do they know how much to charge?

Actually, as is usual on the Internet, there is some truth and some bullshit in that post.

The sensational examples were a Swedish billionaire speeding in Finland (Sweden does not actually have this crazy fine), and if you are a billionaire, yes, people know how much you are worth. The other example was another billionaire driving *185 mph* on a speed controlled road in Switzerland, which pretty much anywhere in the Western world will get you imprisoned, at which point they are fairly free to make even a rich person miserable until he pays up.

Comment Re:selective enforcement at it's finest. (Score 1, Interesting) 325

You're right though, I have no numbers to back up my theory, but... ...FFS, cut the 90 year old Pearl Harbor veteran some slack, 'eh?

If you are a 90 year old Pearl Harbor veteran, you are a goddamn hero, no one denies that. But if you are still driving, FFS, get OFF THE ROAD before you ruin it an kill someone.

Comment Reason (Score 1) 723

There's some reasons anonymous cowards don't put their name... they're usually trolls or lying sacks of shit. In the case of this article, it's both.... and all the other trolls come out to play.

Republicans and teabaggers have waged a 5 year war against a program (the ACA) that is fundamentally conservative, having been written by a conservative think tank, and already implemented in one state as a conservative program. THE only reason they're against it now is because of Obama. It shows that on the street the people who are against Obamacare think that the ACA is much better (because they've fallen for all the outright lies by conservatives) and

Republicans have deluded people into believing their bullshit, and now when the program is actually living up to what was expected, the anonymous cowards who are so deluded into believing their own bullshith they can't understand why their lies and misbegotten fantasies aren't matching up with reality. Look on this thread. Al there are are a bunch of whiny little bitches who can't accept that the program is working. Why do all these people HATE their fellow countrymen so much? Have we bred so many sociopaths that this type of behavior is now considered normal?

When the hell did complete stupidity become something to strive for?

/. i've been a reader here for ten years now (or so). You have a small faction of radical conservatives/anarchists/fascists who routinely derail discussions with their political bullshit, demean the people around them, and routinely try to censor posts through moderation abuse. I expect more of you than to have bullshit stories based on some fucking delusional dumbass unwillingness to live in reality, and hatred for their fellow humans... especially ones so blatant as this. Are you news for nerds, or some radical fascist conservative propaganda rag?

Comment Re:Tax filing (Score 1) 50

I'll concede the point on personal taxes, for the most simple solutions, but once you start adding in business income, corporate taxes, and the like, the complexity level goes way up. And if you happen to run a business in an HST jurisdiction? Forget about it. Many tax lawyers haven't yet figured that shit out.

Comment Re:Tax filing (Score 1) 50

Actually, governments federal and provincial have streamlined a lot of the services they provide. In fact, in at least one case I can think of, major inefficiencies are starting to crop up because they've trimmed too much fat. Employment Insurance (including sick leave and parental leave), for example, takes a month or more to get not because of the process, but because they don't have enough operators answering the phones.

Comment Re: (Score 1) 1037

No, there isn't. If you're serious, then i highly suspect you don't understand the meaning of the word "evidence." There isn't even evidence that he actually existed. There is written record of the church creating the mythology surrounding the name Jesus that they use today (The First Council of Nicaea), but that's about it. There is a complete absence of corroboration that he lived, as there are no Roman records (records common and abundant at the time) that cite him, and his first mention in the writing of Josephus is a fairly obvious forgery, it being neither in his tone or style of writing, and added into a margin, with the additional complete omission of any reference in a prior work by the historian.

Comment Re:Do not rush into conclusions! (Score 3, Insightful) 1037 other place with a former monopoly of state mandated Atheism....

Mandated for the state, not necessarily the people. What those states had against the organizations promoting religion was that they were a competing viewpoint, a rival political power if you will... which was something those states didn't want to allow. Both Russia and China have religious people in them, and it's fine until they do something that those countries feel is a threat to the governments power in said country.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

... which only shows you have no clue what "socialist" and "communist" means. There's another article a couple up the chain on why some of our politicians are scientifically illiterate.... i propose it starts with people who don't know the meaning of words, and are too fucking head-up-ass to bother to look them up before they use them.

Comment Re:Interesting .... (Score 2) 101

California's 'Next Big One' may have nothing to do with the San Andreas fault.

Any "big one" in California will have something to do with the San Andreas fault. We pretty much shrug off at 5+ quakes, those are just minor annoyances caused by offshoots of the San Andreas ;) When we talk "big one" we're talking 7+, and whether it's directly caused by the San Andreas or another related fault, the energy for that is almost definitely coming from the movements of the Pacific and North American plates...

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